Study Skills Workshops 2015 Studying in HE What’s so different?
Session Outline
Session outline Studying at university – some crucial differences and making the transition How to study independently Types of learning, teaching and assessments Getting organised! Your study wellbeing Support networks
Making the transition Feelings in your first few weeks
Personal Academic Social
Personal Friends Family Studentcentral community Academic SSGTs Course tutors Student services PASS Social SU Student Services Facebook groups
In small groups or pairs:- With the statements about learning and teaching in Higher Education that you have been given, discuss whether you think the statement is mostly true, maybe true, or not true Activity
Studying at University Similarities: reading, attending classes, writing essays and producing other kinds of coursework Differences: questioning current ideas creating & discovering new knowledge – academics, researchers AND students students expected to ask questions, think critically, consider evidence, develop own ideas
Your Transition and Cultural Differences Learning is not always memorising facts Learning can be in groups, through discussion Referencing is REALLY important! Analyse and challenge what you read and hear ASK QUESTIONS!
By what methods have you previously been taught? How do you expect to be taught in university? – Lectures – Seminars – Practical sessions – Tutorials – Field trips – Work placements – Independent study How much time will you need to study for? Expectations
Essays or reports Exams Presentations Group work Work experience What's your preferred type of assessment?
Assessment & Feedback Essays, reports, exams, practicals, presentations, group work Feedback in 15 days Tutors will provide comments and marks Use feedback from peers, tutors, friends Be proactive – seek support, ask questions
Academic Study Kit
Studying Independently Requires… Time management Personal planning Knowing the essentials Structuring your own study Keeping going Reflection
Getting Organised Organisation is the key to study success! 5 practical tips to get started: Use a diary, mobile apps. or an online calendar Mentally prepare yourself & start reading around your subject Prepare your study space Use folders to organise your paper files Use electronic folders to organise your work online
Join a Student Union society Eat healthily Keep in touch with family and friends from home Do regular exercise Get the right amount of sleep Voluntary work How are you going to keep a healthy work life balance?
Academic Wellbeing Getting the balance Managing pressure Seeking support Share your problem with friends Take time out to do other things Make your lecturers aware of any difficulties you're facing Do something physical - eat healthily, do some exercise, get more sleep! Prioritise, plan and organise your deadlines Don't overload yourself with studying
Support Networks
Studying in HE - What’s so different? Prepare for lectures and seminars How to prioritise your workload Presentations and group work Essays / Assignments – Planning Essays / Assignments - Reading and research Essays / Assignments – Structuring Essays / Assignment - Critical analysis Presentations and group assessments Using tutor feedback * Check studentcentral and plasma screens for times, dates and venues Workshops in Semester 1
Good luck with your studies here at Brighton!