AP Physics 2 Dan Carroll Yorktown High School
Contact Information Voic x School Phone: website: –Go to navigate to “Departments”, then to “science”, find my name, click. Or use
Teacher Information National Board Certified Physics Teacher Physics teacher at Yorktown – 16 years Science teacher in Arlington – 23 years
Course Information Covers one semester of College level physics Non-calculus based (typical of physics for pre- med and life science majors) Fast paced concept-rich curriculum Depth of understanding concepts is important
Special Class Considerations Students get 2 grades (Class, Lab) Lab grade: Performance –Laboratory Notebook 30% –Formal Lab Reports 30% –Lab assessment 20% –Engagement in Lab activities 20% Class grade: Achievement –Objectives Based – Objectives are from College Board –Students have multiple opportunities to show competence –Competence vs Mastery
Strategies for Success Class Attendance Policy –Requires personal accountability on the part of the student –Does not include school field trips or religious holidays –Students should use on-line resources during absences –Make-ups are never as valuable as first hand experience.
Objectives Based Learning / Standards Based Grading Fundamentally Different than grading by percentage and averaging scores. Learning Objectives are clearly defined and the goal is for students to demonstrate competence/mastery of those objectives. Based on work of Marzano, look at marzanoresearch.com or ASCD.org to read more.
Objectives of using Standards Based Grading AP Physics 2 is not about having the right answer all of the time. Students have to learn to express what they know and should be acknowledged for the level of understanding they express. Students will maintain a feeling that it is worth their effort for the entire school year and will not get the feeling that the course has left them behind. More advanced students will delve deeper and think longer about complex topics that take some students longer to master.
Achieving Mastery –Day to day success is the only way to ensure ultimate success –A grade of a C indicates minimum competency. There is no standard for a grade of less than a D. –My objective and the objective of every student is that they should be learning the physics well enough to maintain a B or higher
A student who is performing at a level lower than a B will be provided with extra assignments to reinforce concepts and build understanding. Some credit will be given for completing the assignments, but achieving a B will come from true performance and demonstrated understanding of the learning objectives.
Evaluating Performance 4 – Mastery 3 – Full Competence 2 – Partial Competence 1 – Developing Competence AMastery on 90% of objectives and Full Competence on the rest B+ Full Competence in all objectives and Master on most (75%) BFull Competence on all objectives and Mastery of at least 25% C+ Full Competence on all objectives. CFull Competence on at least 25% of objectives. D+Student has shown Partial Competence 50% of objectives DStudent has shown Developing Competence on all objectives
Keep me informed Students should stay confident and positive Good things often take hard work. From what I have seen so far, I believe each of the students is capable of maintaining a B and getting a 3 or above on the AP exam
Last Thoughts AP Exam is Thursday, May 7th in the afternoon session. Study sessions: –Any day after school –6 th Period Lunch –Students should request additional times as needed
How to get College Credit Check Collegeboard website ditpolicy/index.jsp Based on AP exam score