The UCLA Nuclear Physics Group Huan Zhong Huang 黄焕中 Department of Physics and Astronomy University of California Los Angeles, CA 90095-1547 Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing, China Daya Bay Collaboration Meeting, June 9-10, 2006
Group Members Faculty: Chuck Whitten and Huan Zhong Huang Research Staff: Stephan Trentalange and Vahe Ghazikhanian Post-Docs: Oleg Tsai, Gang Wang and Jingguo Ma Graduate Students: Steve Guertin, Pricilla Kurnadi, David Staszak, Bertrand Biritz, Dhevan Gangdharan, Wenqin Xu Supported by: DOE Nuclear Physics
Physics Programs Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics – QCD at high temperature and energy density Searches for the Quark-Gluon Plasma -- Heavy Quark (charm) production -- Parton collectivity (elliptic flow) -- Strange Baryon production (L,X,W) Intermediate Energy Physics – Gluon Spin content in the proton (DG) Flavor decomposition of the quark spin structure functions -- Jet production asymmetry -- Heavy Quark production RHIC – STAR Experiment !
Hardware Experiences STAR Experiment: 1) Time-Projection Chamber – Gating Grid and Pulser Calibration 2) Electromagnetic Calorimeter – PMT Housing, HV and Low Voltage Control 3) EMC – Shower Max Detector 2.5m long gas chamber with pad read-out from extruded Al 4) Time-of-Flight – HV and LV supply and control
UCLA STAR SMD Construction Facility
New in Neutrino Physics The UCLA Nuclear Physics Area Plan: 1) Neutrino Physics Program Initiative 2) New Faculty Hiring from the Department 3) Seek funding from DOE NP for Neutrino Program (0nbb decay and Daya Bay reactor n) Our Immediate Plan for Daya Bay Experiment Help muon veto detector construction Help other projects if needed (PMT HV and Electronics) Start simulation effort at UCLA