Earthquake Statistics Gutenberg-Richter relation Frequency-Magnitude relation b is an important parameter that varies in time and space ranging around 1 a accounts for the background seismicity rate
Frequency-magnitude relation from seismic moment
Aftershocks Aftershock decay rate follows the OMORI law K is the productivity p is close to 1 c account for magnitude completness
2017/4/26 3 Omori (1894) 1891 Nobi Earthquake of M8.1
t : K,c,p : The Omori-Utsu formula for aftershock decay rate 2017/4/26 4 Utsu (1961) The Omori-Utsu formula for aftershock decay rate t : Elapsed time from the mainshock K,c,p : constant parameters
Aftershocks occur on faults close to failure. Dieterich ‘94 model Aftershocks occur on faults close to failure. 100 100 80 80 60 60 sec-1x10-7 40 40 20 20 rate (events/time) close to failure far from failure perturbed seismicity background seismicity time
Earthquake Probability
1992 Landers Earthquake INGV r(x,y) m(x,y) reference background
‘Permanent’ Probability Single Fault : probability of failure after a stress step t0 clock-advance ‘Permanent’ Probability P(telapsed< t <telapsed+Dt) = = ∫ f(t) dt probability density telapsed+Dt telapsed time telapsed telapsed+Dt previous earthquake Clock-advances shorten the mean recurrence time, increasing the probability.