Preparation of the Body Lesson 6 Int 2 / Higher Grade Physical Education.


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Presentation transcript:

Preparation of the Body Lesson 6 Int 2 / Higher Grade Physical Education

Lesson 6 Content Recap Phases of training Describing training programme Cooperative learning task to describe phases of training. Homework

Homework feedback Homework codes used in PE Excellent of the standard expected Satisfactory, some key content / information missing Unsatisfactory, not of the level required - REDO

Phases of Training Complete the diagram below in your classwork jotter.PHASESOFTRAINING

Aim of preparation phase Training programme takes place during the preparation phase. In other words our training programme is an example of a ___-_____ training programme. During the preparation phase general fitness work is followed by ______ fitness work. As you progress through your programme of work there should be an increase in the _______ of your physical fitness work as the start of the new season approaches. As start of season approaches, training should become more ________ like. The fitness work during this phase should be ________ to the nature of your activity and your _______ within the activity.

Why use chosen methods of training during preparation phase? _________ training allows me to easily focus on a specific aspect of fitness in my case_________________. Can easily adjust my programme using overload as my _________ improves and increase the intensity of my training programme as the start of the competition phase (season) approaches. Can ensure that my work is specific to the nature of football and my role as a ______________ within the game. Working outwith the activity made it easier to monitor my progression and made it easier for me to focus on improving my _________. This was vital during the early parts of the preparation phase (pre season) as it was important that my fitness would not continue to make my skill level deteriorate during matches.

Question. Describe your programme of work Possible add on to this question… Specific to a phase of training Specific to a type of fitness Specific reference to the principles you considered

Put each section/paragraph in order to create a structure for describing your programme of work 1.Introduction Structure when describing your programme of work/training programme Phase of training Method of training Target setting linked to training outwith activity Principles of training Example of a training session Progressive Overload

Introduction Phase of training Method of training Target setting linked to training outwith activity Principles of training Example of a training session Progressive Overload Structure when describing your programme of work/training programme

Cooperative Learning Task Describe fully your six week training programme Instructions Get into a group of five Number yourself 1-5 Read the answer provided – pay particular attention to the paragraph which corresponds to your number. Each person should decide whether their understanding is Each person should now join up with those individuals in another group who are of the same number as them. Re-read your specific paragraph Discuss as a group your understanding of the paragraph Return to your original group and feedback on your specific paragraph As a group now write an answer. Each group member writes one paragraph specific to their section of the answer

I am in the Preparation (pre season) phase of my training year, this is where I (explain objective of preparation phase) The most important aspect of fitness I have identified for the position of midfield is Introduction and Phase of Training Method of Training To develop my I used Training Training involves (brief description of method of training – not a description of training session).

Before I started my training programme I set targets for my improvement so that I would remain motivated and focused throughout my programme. This also encouraged me to monitor my performance to see if my training was being effective, i.e. set at the correct level to reach my targets Working outwith the activity made it easier to monitor my progression and made it easier to focus solely on my physical fitness improvement. This was vital during the early parts of pre season as it was important that my fitness would not continue to make my skill level deteriorate during matches. Target Setting Linked to Training Outwith Activity

When designing my training programme I had to consider the principles of training to ensure my programme was effective. The principles I considered were I firstly considered specificity. To ensure my training programme was specific I selected training to work on my I considered this to be an appropriate method because See previous slides to explain why Training is specific to preparation phase. Also look back at the benefits of chosen training methods to explain why the method you choose was specific to activity and position Principles of Training

I split my 6 week training programme into 3 x 2 week sections To ensure Weeks 1&2 were specific to my initial level of fitness I used from the To set my level of work. Splitting my programme into 3 two week blocks allowed me to monitor my programme every two weeks and add overload between each section ensuring the level at which I worked was always specific to my fitness level. The next principle of training I considered was Frequency. During weeks 1 & 2 I trained 3 times per week because bellow 3 times a week would not train my body hard enough for adaptation to occur. I ensured I had rest days between my training days so that I had overcome fatigue and worked hard during my sessions

During a training session I completed (add in your programme, fartlek remember a picture paints a thousand words.) Week 1 and 2 Set 16 x 80 %15 seconds rest Set 2 6 x 80 %15 seconds rest Set 36 x 80 %15 seconds rest Set 46 x 80 %15 seconds rest Set 5 etc etc etc... Week 1 and 2- 3 x 8 65% (10 sec pulse count 22) 40 sec rest Week 3 and 4- 3 x 10 70% (10 sec pulse count 24) 30 sec rest Week 5 and 6- 3 x 11 75% (10 sec pulse count 26) 20 sec rest As you can see the intensity and work to rest ratios are set to directly work my body to improve the aspect of fitness my data showed was a weakness (Fartlek Only) I monitored I was in my training zone by… (doing what during your rest interval) Example of Training Session

Progressive overload was implemented by increasing the intensity, frequency and duration of my programme. I increased the frequency of my programme by (working for 4 days a week during weeks 5&6 after only completing 3 sessions a week during weeks 1& 2) During weeks 3&4 and 5&6 I further developed the overload in my programme by increasing the intensity and duration. I did this by… (give examples from your training programme) During the last 2 weeks my programme was difficult, but it was very game like. (Explain how it was game like) This is appropriate as I was close to the start of my competition phase. Progressive Overload

Homework Task 6 Due – Monday 29 th October Describe in detail a programme of work you followed to develop an aspect of fitness which was identified as a weakness. Structure of Answer Introduction Phase of training Method of training Target setting linked to training outwith activity Principles of training Example of a training session Progressive Overload