Introduction to HTML Welcome! In this tutorial, you’ll be introduced to some of the basic concepts of HTML. Some pages include audio. Click the speaker icon in the lower-right corner of a page to listen to an audio track of that page. To advance to the next page in this tutorial, click anywhere on the screen.
Menu Click a button to move to that topic. What is HTML? Basic Components of an HTML Page Formatting Text in HTML Closing
What is HTML? H yper T ext M arkup L anguage The underlying code for all Web sites Tells Web browsers how to display documents
Do I Need to Know HTML? Most Web design tools provide an interface for you to type and format your content. The tool then writes the HTML code for you.
Then Why Learn HTML? General understanding of what’s going on Tweak the code that is written View and understand HTML code from other sites
HTML Basics HTML mixes ordinary text with special strings of characters, or tags. Tags identify how to format the text in the Web browser.
Tags Tags are enclosed in angle brackets Doesn’t matter if they’re in uppercase of lowercase Examples: Bold Italics Table
Bounded Tags Tell the browser where to start formatting and where to end formatting and Example –Welcome to this HTML tutorial.
Unbounded Tags Tell the browser where to insert items Only one tag Example –Cat:
Required Tags Every HTML page has at least three tags. These three tags are bounded tags. Open TagClose TagPurpose Indicates this is an HTML page Contains header info, such as title Indicates where the body of the content starts
Example of Required Tags My Web Site This is the content of my Web page.
Formatting Text You can use HTML tags to apply various formats to the text in your Web page. This tutorial discusses –Bold –Italicizing –Underlining
Bold Open tag = Close tag = Example –This is an example of bold text.
Italics Open tag = Close tag = Example –This is an example of italicized text.
Underlined Open tag = Close tag = Example –This is an example of underlined text.
Combining Formatting You can apply more than one format to text. You work from the inside out, like parentheses in formulas. The tag you open first is closed last.
Example of Combining Tags This is bold, underlined text. In this example, bold opens first and closes last.
Closing This tutorial reviewed –What HTML is –The purpose of tags –Examples of tags For more information, review –HTML 4 for Dummies, by Ed Tittel and Natanya Pitts –