Citizenship Today’s Outline: –What’s Up –Website –State of the Union Address Assignment due Wednesday –Schedule for the week Monday – Citizenship Tuesday – Duties and Responsibilities Wednesday – Rights of Citizens Thursday – Who Are Americans *Friday – Unit 1 Exam*
American Population -late 1700’s less than 4 million people -today nearly 300 million -what caused the growth? immigration birthrate
Citizenship -What is a citizen? Member of a community who owes loyalty to gov’t in return for services -two ways to become a citizen 1-born a citizen Easiest 2-through naturalization Legal process of becoming a citizen
Citizen By Birth -Citizenship by Birth Even if your parents are illegal immigrants -born anywhere in any part of the United States -If your parents are citizens no matter where you were born If military & parents are stationed overseas, you are still US citizen -possible to be a dual citizen at birth Born to Am in military, you can be US and citizen of country born in
Naturalization -naturalization -5 requirements 1-file an intent form Declaration of Intent w/USCIS 2-live in U.S. for 5 years Then files application for citizenship Must be be 18 years old 3. Interview – after paperwork is checked 4-take naturalization test Reading, writing, English, history & gov’t 5-take citizenship oath of allegiance
Naturalization -naturalization -5 requirements -file an intent form -live in U.S. for 5 years -be 18 years old -take naturalization test -take citizenship oath
Naturalization -naturalization -5 requirements -file an intent form -live in U.S. for 5 years -be 18 years old -take naturalization test -take citizenship oath
Legal Aliens -Legal alien From foreign country who as est. permanent residence in US -immigrant People who move permanently to another country -have written permission to be in the U.S. Visa / Green Card- Formal permission for a non-citizen to be in a nation What can aliens do: -can’t vote or hold public office -have same legal rights as citizens Hold jobs, own property, attend school, legal protection
Legal Aliens -Legal alien -immigrant -have written permission to be in the U.S. Visa / Green Card- Formal permission for a non-citizen to be in a nation -can’t vote or hold public office -have same legal rights as citizens
Illegal Aliens -Illegal Aliens -can not do anything legally in the U.S. vote, hold office, work -can be deported if found -The process of being expelled from a nation -why would someone come here if they would be an illegal alien???