The human population who are increase in daily, confronted with various problems about of the world.
One of the biggest dangers is LITTER!
What do we mean with recycling system ? Unfortunately, the litter what is unheeded, is invitation for all of the DANGER! All of the reasons brought a great idea to our MIND! We would like to create a special RECYCLING SYSTEM for So that, avoid the dangers caused by litter
This system is completely for human life and covers their well-being in the community. FIRST -making a registration to environmentalist people who want to participate in this system. THEN -creating a bar code and make a special card for each applicant. We hope, all of the material’s recycling will be possible in FUTURE. Our system include recycling bins for paper materials, plastic products, textile and leather materials and electronic materials. If the materials can’t recycling completely, the aim of system decrease to the damages of them.