Peter Chen and +1 Period: 2
In 1820, Hans Christian, a scientist, experimented with electricity and a compass. He found out that the electricity makes the needle of the compass line up with the wire. Introduction
An electric current is the flow of electricity through a material. The power of the flow is determined by its ampere, also known as the amp. The higher the amp, the more powerful the flow of electricity is. Electric Current
Electric currents will only go through an electric circuit. An electric circuit is a complete path where electricity can go. An electric circuit must have a source, like a battery to work Moving Charges and Magnetism
Electric Currents will not flow through every wire. Charges flow only through electric circuits. An electric Circuit is a complete path through which the electric charges go through. All electric circuits has almost the same features. First, a circuit has a source of energy, such as a battery. Second, circuits have some kind of energy consumer such as light-bulbs or computers. Lastly, circuits are connected by wires and switches. Electric Circuits
Just like electric currents can’t work through certain wires, it also doesn’t work on certain materials. There are two types of materials, Conductors and Insulators. The atoms of a conductor have electrons that stick real loose so it’s easy to get a charge and materials like copper, silver, plastic, and wood are conductors. In insulators, the electrons are strongly banded together so it’s much harder to get a charge. Rubber, glass, sand, plastic, and wool are examples of insulators. Conductors and Insulators
A charge can be obstructed and the obstruction is called resistance. Resistance depends on the atomic structure, the higher the atomic structure, the more resistance the object has. Thomas used this resistance to create his light bulb. Whenever certain object are subject to low temperatures, it can become a superconductor. A superconductor is a material with no electric resistance. A superconductor can strongly repel magnets but can be destroyed by a strong magnetic field. Electric Resistance