Indian Ocean World By: Emily, Dillon, Nick, and Jack
Who Major Ports Indian Cities: Mumbai, Surat, Goa Arabian Cities: Hormuz, Muscat, Aden Swahili City-States: Kilwa, Zanzibar, Dar es Salaam Indo-Chinese City States: Malacca, Java, Palembang Chinese Cities: Nanjing, Guangzhou, Huangzhou
Who Important People and Traders Muslims: Ibn Battuta (scholar), maps out best routes and muslim ports Jews: Allan bin Hussan (trader), Red Sea trader, African expeditions Chinese: Huang He (explorer), 7 expeditions across Indian Ocean, China is most powerful country in the world at this time Europeans: Marco Polo’s journey home, plots out most important centers Indians: Rajas encouraged trade
What Trade Goods NationsExportsImports ChinaPorcelain, Tea, Clay, SilkOpium, Cotton, Dyes IndiaSpices, Herbs (Healing)Bananas, Cotton ArabiaCoffee, Opium, DyesWood, Silk AfricaIvory, Banana, Mangrove, GumCotton, Silk Indo-China/IndonesiaNutmeg, Cloves, PepperHerbs, Cotton
When The IOW began with small trading settlements around 800 AD It declined in the 1500s when Portugal invaded and tried to run trade for its own profit.
Where The IOW took place across the Indian Ocean Trade between Africa and Asia was intense, so city-states flourished along the coast of Africa (Kilwa, Sofala, Mombasa, and Malindi) traded with inland kingdoms like Great Zimbabwe These city-states sold to India, Southeast Asia, and China East African City states bought from Asia City-states along the eastern coast of Africa made ideal trade centers Merchants from Arabian Peninsula, India, and Southeast Asia stayed in the city- states of East Africa
Why Trade for materials otherwise unavailable Taxes and trade to gain wealth Gain finished materials from other parts of the world
How Summer - Monsoons blow from the west bringing people toward Asia Winter - Monsoons blow from the east bringing traders toward Africa Techonology Magnetic Compass, Astral Maps, Ship Rudders, Triangular Sails
Relevant AP World Themes AP World Theme #2: Development and interaction of cultures Different cultures are trading goods, which spread belief systems, technology, arts and architecture AP World Theme #3: State-building and forms of government New city-states emerge along the African Coast due to trade AP World Theme #4: Creation, expansion, and interaction of economic systems Trade and commerce, industrialization, agricultural and pastoral production
Historiographical Perspective Before European Hegemony- Janet Abu-Lughod Janet writes how there was an intricate world system during the 13th and 14th centuries before the emergence of the European world as a world power. This earlier economic system was made possible by the Mongol empire and its successor states, by allowing safe and reliable trade links to exist across both the Eurasian landmass and the Indian Ocean. She also contends that the fourteenth century was a period of remarkable artistic and cultural achievements, which was not unrelated to the high degree of Eurasian economic, political, and social integration.
Historiographical Perspective cont. According to Abu-Lughod, important trading centers developed around areas where trade was convenient and efficient, and raw materials were nearby. The regions around Flanders, Cairo, and the Strait of Malacca all developed as important commercial centers, as more foreign trading nations and their merchants sought out these convenient crossing points for trade. For example, in the Strait of Malacca, Chinese, Arab, and Indian traders converged.
Historiographical Perspective cont. Abu-Lughod presents two questions: Why didn’t the 13th century world trade system persist? Why did the west “rise” when it did? During the 15th century most of the known world experienced an economic recession as a result from the bubonic plague. The spread of the disease can be attributed to the widely traveled trade routes. The Ming rebellion was victorious over the Mongol Dynasty, this maybe because the mongol soldiers were weakened by the plague.
Historiographical Perspective cont. The restoration of Chinese home-rule and autonomy split China from Central Asia. The Ming Dynasty halted all navy actions in Central Asia to focus on internal issues. The withdrawal of the only large and strong Asian navy left the whole IOW defenseless, allowing for Vasco de Gama to pave the way for the Portuguese. One reason why the west rose and the 13th century world trade system did not persist.
Periodization Medieval Age Expanded growth from C.E.
Analytical Argument Importance: -The trade system is more important than the states involved -System creates states and powerful city-states -Most city-states along African Coast, had best resources -States control key ports to tax ships -Indian Ocean world is more powerful than Europe -Europe is technologically behind, Muslim world spreads eastern and Greek learning -Trade flows into Europe thru Middle East and Africa -Leads to exploration by Europeans to find the resources -Begins European expansion and colonization