Please click on the blue link bellow to view our ancillary texts.
I think the radio trailer complemented our film very well, I think it gave enough information to the audience to let them know that it was about young people and a love story, without exposing too much of the plot. The use of music in our radio trailer proved to be very effective as the music in itself gave an impression of what the film was about by creating an energetic mood for the fast paced parts of the film and a romantic mood for the kiss at the end of our film. Please see 00:00 – 01:01 and 05:01 -05:42 in our film, please click the blue link bellow.
The music we used in our radio trailer was music that we actually used as the score which helps the target audience associate it with our film. We decided to use a female voice over artist as we thought considering the nature of the film it would be more appropriate and would appeal more to our target audience. We used a lot of quotes from the film itself to give the listener an idea about what to expect from our film and with the use of the same music we hoped to achieve a seamless and unified impression between the film and trailer. Please click in the blue link bellow to view the radio trailer on our ancillary tasks page.
We tried to achieve the same effect with the magazine review. We used a promotional photograph that is on our website to advertise our film, which basically epitomizes what our film is about and tried to stick to a similar colour scheme so that again the audience could associate it with the film and a link, like between the radio trailer and the film, was created with our product. We picked a quote to use as a tag line and used it at the bottom of our magazine review. This particular tagline, “I want to know what it feels like”, leaves the reader asking questions about what this means in the film, further encouraging them to go and see it, which is ultimately what we want. We used a professional-looking format for the review that you would typically find in a magazine. We wanted to give the reader an insight into what the film was about without spoiling the twist. Overall I think the combination of our film, radio trailer and magazine review worked well as they all link together and the ancillary texts advertise the film which it their immediate purpose as well as informing the target audience about the film.
Please click the blue link bellow to view the magazine review on the ancillary tasks page of our website. Our promotional photograph:
Media producers in the “real” industry encourage audience collaboration because it offers the opportunity to gather, more often than not, free feedback, which offers new ideas and directions that are more suited to the target audience. This is obviously very invaluable to any media producer as ultimately they want to gain a profit for their product. It also helps to develop stronger ties with the target audience, encouraging them to invest in future projects. It is extremely important to use audience feedback as a company that is unwilling to change to suit the needs of their audience and that decide that the audience as a collaborator is a threat to their creation will never last long in “the industry”.
We gathered the feedback for our own product in the format of a questionnaire. We then appointed a question to each member of our audience for them to answer as they were recorded so that we could later go back and analyze our feedback. Please click on the blue link bellow to view our feedback on the evaluation page. The topic that came up frequently, that our group was concerned about, was whether or not we had portrayed young people and homosexuals in a stereotypical way. Some of our audience thought that we had presented them in a realistic way. Quote: “I like that it was realistic and it represented how these sorts of issues really affect people, especially young people and I liked that there where some stereotypes, but they weren’t taken over the top with the whole drinking partying thing. It was realistic to how young people actually do go out and socialize”. Whilst others argued that we had in fact reinforced a stereotype, particularly within young people. Quote: “the alcohol in the party scenes is stereotypical of young people”. It is arguable that there is some truth in a stereotype so it is virtually unavoidable to portray a realistic character without being slightly stereotypical, so as a group we decided to leave the characters as they where.
Our group was also concerned about the choice of music in our film for different scenes and whether or not they where appropriate for the mood of that particular scene. According to our audience feedback the music we picked was appropriate throughout the film and the music the characters where listening to was believable and realistic. Quote: “I liked the way the music pace changed as the party progressed, I like that they were listening to music that they we would all listen to and I liked the sensual music at the end that worked well with the kissing scene” We wanted to make sure that the costume was also believable as this plays a vital role in the way that the different characters personalities are shown. For example, Stef wears a very floaty, feminine, pastel coloured dress, symbolic of her purity. While Em, being a stronger, more independent individual wears a bold, shoulder padded, jacket with a pair of boots and her hair up that suits her personality better than the more feminine hairstyle Stef has. This is particularly noticeable when these two characters are sitting side by side. Please see 1:48 – 2:46 in our film, please click the blue link bellow. Quote: “…the outfits where really effective, they were realistic and up to date, like party clothes but not over the top”.
We asked our audience how they would improve our film, quote: “I would have maybe made the party scenes a bit longer, just so the story was more built up before the end”. We would have liked to have made our film longer but due to the restrictions on the length of the film, we had to cut a lot of the party scenes out to allow more time for the plot to develop. If we had been allowed to make our film any longer we would have liked to create more of a build up towards the end in the way that the two characters got to know each other.