Title: In 20 Years, I’ll be… (Career Choice) By Your Name
Job Description Definition Duties – Be specific Time commitment –Full time or Part time –Weekends or night work required Picture
Education/Training Required Level of education (high school diploma, college, trade school, etc.) Degrees, license, or certification needed On the job training or apprenticeship needed Years of experience
Skills Needed Academic skills: –Reading –Writing –Mathematics –Computer skills Intellectual Skills –Problem solving –Critical thinking –Decision making Physical skills –Strength –Agility –Fine motor skills –Eye hand coordination People skills –Teamwork –Communication –Conflict resolution –leadership
Values Needed Aptitudes (likes and dislikes) Work ethic Motivation Personality traits (empathy, patience, assertiveness, sense of humor, etc.)
Wages and Benefits Hourly wage and/or yearly salary –Overtime/holiday pay Benefits (health insurance, sick leave) Vacation time Retirement plan Opportunities for raises and/or promotion
Perks What makes the job: –Fun –Interesting –Fulfilling Bonuses and incentives –Free stuff (sports tickets, clothing, etc.) –Discounts –Travel
Lifestyle Low, medium or high income What can you afford? –Type of housing –Type of transportation –Bills and monthly payments –Vacation –Extras – entertainment, eating out., etc.
Bibliography MLA format Alphabetized by author or title (if no author)