Automated Worm Fingerprinting Authors: Sumeet Singh, Cristian Estan, George Varghese and Stefan Savage Publish: OSDI'04. Presenter: YanYan Wang
Introduction Recent large scale internet worm post profound threat. Traditional detection methods are usually expensive and slow. This paper investigate “Early bird” method that automatically detect and contain new worms on the network using precise signature.
Existing Detecting Techniques Scan detection Example: code red. Network telescope: passive network monitors that observe large ranges of unused, yet routable, address space. Assumption: worms select target victims at random Limitations: not suited to non-random spreading worms
Existing Detecting Techniques Honeypots Monitoring idel hosts with untreated vulnerabilities Limitations: requires significant amount of slow manual analysis, depend on the honeypot being quickly infected
Existing Detecting Techniques Behavioral techniques at end hosts Dynamically analyze the patterns of system calls for anomalous activity. Limitations: expensive, only detect attack against a single host.
Characterization Priori vulnerability signatures: match known exploitable vulnerabilities in deployed software. Automation for signature extraction: extracts the infected decoy programs in a controlled environment and identify invariant code strings. Autograph: (early bird)
Containment To slow or stop the spread of an active worm Host quarantine: preventing an infect host from communicating with other hosts String matching: matches network traffic against particular strings, or signatures Connection throttling: limit rate of all outgoing connection made by a machine, slow but not stop
Worm Behavior Content invariance Program is identical across every host it infects, though some has limited polymorphism Content prevalence: content not prevalent is not useful for constructing signatures Address dispersion: the no. of infected hosts will grow over time
Finding Worm Signature: Content Sifting For each network: Extract content and process substring Index each substring into a prevalence table Each table entry includes IP addresses Sort the table
Finding Worm Signature: Content Sifting Huge memory consumption: Multi- stage filters
Finding Worm Signature: Content Sifting Address dispersion: trade precision for dramatic reductions in memory requirements Example: For example, to count up to 64 sources using 32 bits, one might hash sources into a space from 0 to 63 yet only set bits for values that hash between 0 and 31. thus ignoring half of the sources.
Finding Worm Signature: Content Sifting Payload string requires significant processing: value sampling select only those substrings for which the fingerprint matches a certain pattern. Example: if f is the fraction of the tracked substrings (e.g. f = 1=64 if we track the substrings whose Rabin fingerprint ends on 6 0s), then the probability of detecting a worm with a signature of length x is
Finding Worm Signature: Content Sifting If = 1=64 and = 40, the probability of tracking a worm with a signature of 100 bytes is 55%, but for a worm with a signature of 200 bytes it increases to 92%, and for 400 bytes to 99.64%.
Practical Content Sifting: Early Bird packet granularity
Early Bird As each packet arrives, its content (or substrings of its content) is hashed and appended with the protocol identifier and destination port to produce a content hash code. 32 bit cyclic redundancy check (CRC) 40 byte rabin fingerprints for substring hashses
Early Bird If the content hash is not found in the dispersion table, it is indexed into the content prevalence table. 4 independent hash functions creat indexes into 4 counter arrays.
Early Bird
Practical Content Sifting: Early Bird
Prototype System : Early Bird Sensor: sifts through traffic on configurable address space “zones” of responsibility and reports anomalous signature. Aggregator: coordinated real-time updates from the sensors, coalesces related signatures, activates any network- level or host level blosing services and is responsible for administrative reporting and control. Single threaded, excute at user-level, and captures packets using libpcap library.
Prototype System
Early Bird
What ’ s the paper ’ s contribution? A combination of existing and novel algorithms for content sifting Low memory and CPU requirements
What ’ s the paper ’ s weakness? Depend on invariant content Attackers can design variant content for worms Attackers can evade by creating metamorphic worms and traditional IDS evasion techniques Assume max growing time Automated containment can be used trigger a worm defense by attackers.
How to improve the paper? Hybrid pattern matching: separate non code string from potential exploits Investigate traffic normalization Maintain triggering date across multiple time scale Develop efficient mechanisms for comparing signature with existing traffic corpus