Alabama Water Watch A Citizen Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Program William Deutsch Began 1992 EPA/ADEM Grants
Alabama Water Watch EPA-approved QA Custom Training Online Database
A program dedicated to developing Citizen Volunteer Water Monitoring of Alabama's lakes, streams and coasts 1992 AWW Program begins 1993 1 st AWW Workshop conducted AWW Association forms 1994 1,000 th chemistry record received EPA approves chemistry protocols 1995 1 st Training of Trainers workshop 1996 E. coli testing introduced BIOASSESS game developed 1997 1,000 th bacteria record received AWWareness list serve launched 1998 AWW website premiered 1999 10,000 th chemistry record received EPA approves bacteria protocols 1 st Reservoir Series report published 2000 1,160 sites on 465 waterbodies AU Continuing Education Unites offered for AWW workshops 2001 Relational database premiered 2002 20,000 th chemistry record received 75 AWW active groups Online data entry premiered 2003 5,000 th bacteria record received 40% of data entered online 2004 Macro Mania game developed Five volumes of Citizen Guide to Alabama Rivers published 2005 10,000 th chemistry record received 80% of data entered online 40 Citizen Trainers Cumulative 240 groups, 1,800 sites on 600 waterbodies The Flow of Alabama Water Watch
Data Forms vs. Active Groups by Fiscal Year
Oct 2004 – Sept people trained 68 Citizen Groups (7 new) 615 Active Monitors Cumulatively ,800 Sites Monitored on 650 Waterbodies 34,000 water chemistry and 7,000 bacteriological data records Active Groups Oct 04 – Sept 05
Alabama Water Watch Data-to-Action Strategies Environmental Education Restoration Advocacy Spread
Internet Access to AWW Data GIS Mapping
Internet Access to AWW Data 2-parameter graphs
Internet Access to AWW Data statistical analyses
Recent visits to the AWW website