Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style © Alpha Media LLC. All Rights Reserved. “Small Business Saturday” Nov 28 th, 2015 Promote YOUR small business the day after Black Friday with a remote broadcast from Alpha Media’s stations! Shop Small Campaign
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style © Alpha Media LLC. All Rights Reserved. #SmallBizSat Stats If you spend $100 at a local business, roughly $68 stays in your local economy. If you spend the same are a large business, only $43 stays in the local economy (Source: Civic Economics Study in Grand Rapids, Michigan). Shoppers now care as much about the shopping experience as the gifts they get. This puts small business owners at an advantage. 42.9% of likely weekend shoppers who say they will hit the stores on Saturday. (Source: National Retail Federation) 20.7% of likely Saturday shoppers who say they will head to local businesses. Another 52% of shoppers said they may head to local businesses. (Source: National Retail Federation) 20-40% of yearly sales for small and mid-sized retailers take place within the last two months of the year. (Source: National Retail Federation)
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style © Alpha Media LLC. All Rights Reserved. What #ShopSmall Means to Us We want to encourage Central Illinois shoppers to “Shop Local” on the biggest shopping weekend of the year. So, five of Alpha Media’s radio Stations are hitting the streets and inviting our listeners to support local businesses and “Shop Small” through this Small Business Saturday! Check out the details! As a participating business on Small Business Saturday, your business will receive the following promotional elements: 1 hour remote broadcasts all day long on your choice of 5 Alpha Media music stations Remote broadcasts will take place from 9am-6pm Start times would be 9am, 11am, 1pm, 3pm, 5pm Inclusion within 25 LIVE promotional announcements during the week leading up to your Saturday remote stop highlighting Small Business Saturday and your business! Inclusion within a feature on each station website highlighting each of the Small Business Saturday and they’re respective offers Your business included within 5 facebook posts on the station of your choice highlighting the details of the “Shop Small” campaign during the week leading up to Small Business Saturday
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style © Alpha Media LLC. All Rights Reserved. Select Your Station(s)! 1 hour live broadcasts -- $575 per station (includes $75 talent fee) Add produced :30 ads to “boost” your exposure! (Airing 11/23-11/27 5am-8pm) 9am-10am 11am-12pm 1pm-2pm 3pm-4pm 5pm-6pm 15 additional commercials $720 investment Yes No 9am-10am 11am-12pm 1pm-2pm 3pm-4pm 5pm-6pm 15 additional commercials $570 investment Yes No 9am-10am 11am-12pm 1pm-2pm 3pm-4pm 5pm-6pm 15 additional commercials $720 investment Yes No 9am-10am 11am-12pm 1pm-2pm 3pm-4pm 5pm-6pm 20 additional commercials $300 investment Yes No 9am-10am 11am-12pm 1pm-2pm 3pm-4pm 5pm-6pm 30 additional commercials $300 investment Yes No
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master subtitle style © Alpha Media LLC. All Rights Reserved. Thank You! We look forward to working with you on this fun promotion designed to promote small businesses throughout Central Illinois during “the most wonderful time of year!” Everyone at Alpha Media has a vested interested in your success. We appreciate your business and your confidence in us! Total # 1-hour stopsTotal Investment Authorized SignatureDate Business Name Address Terms: Due to the exclusive nature of this promotion, sponsorship is non-cancellable. Your signature indicates your acceptance of this presentation and standard Alpha Media payment and credit terms, and your acknowledgement that Alpha Media does not discriminate in the sale of advertising time, and will accept no advertising or sponsorships placed with intent to discriminate on the basis of race or ethnicity. Your execution below certifies that you are not entering into this agreement for a discriminatory purpose, including but not limited to decisions not to place advertising on particular stations on the basis of race, national origin, or ancestry. You further warrant that you have full authority to execute this agreement as, or on behalf of, the advertiser.