Things are Getting Heated
TAKS Objective 3 Complex interactions occur between matter and energy
TEKS Science Concepts 8.10 The student knows that complex interactions occur between matter and energy. The student is expected to: –Illustrate interactions between matter and energy including specific heat
Learning Objectives 1. Students will demonstrate that different materials have different specific heats. 2. Students will measure and record temperature.
True or False? Heat and temperature are the same thing.
False Heat is energy transfer and temperature is the measurement of molecular kinetic energy (energy of motion).
Temperature Temperature tells us how hot or cold an object is.
Heat Heat is a form of energy. The amount of energy in an object depends on: –Mass (e.g., a lake holds more energy than a glass of lake water). –Type of matter (e.g., water is different from Aluminum is different from soil is different from…) –Temperature (e.g., A liter of water at 100 C holds more energy than a liter of water at 5 C). Notice that temperature affects the amount of energy in an object. Heat and temperature are NOT THE SAME THING!!
The Mass and Heat Connection Which has more heat energy?
Type of Matter Connection Which has more heat energy?
The Temperature and Heat Connection Which has more heat energy? 100 C 5C5C
Specific Heat The Amount of energy required to change the temperature of 1 gram of a substance 1 degree Celsius.
Objects with high specific heat absorb and store more heat energy with less increase in temperature than objects with a lower specific heat. This means an object with a higher specific heat changes temperature more S L O W L Y. Different Substances Absorb Different Amounts of Energy
Thermometer Cup with hole Cup with liquid and metal Setup
EXPLORE Heating it Up In this activity, students will demonstrate that different materials have different specific heats. Students will demonstrate heat capacity of a material. Students will measure and record temperature.
EXPLAIN What is initial temperature for all liquids? What was the final temperature for the four liquids? Explain differences. What was the initial temperature of the large and medium nuts? What was the final temperature with equal mL Water, different nuts? Explain differences. What were final temperatures for different volumes of water/same nuts? Explain differences.
ELABORATE Heating It Up – Elaborate I –Compares how adding different amounts of heat affects a liquid. Heating It Up – Elaborate II –Compares how different amounts of liquids are heated.
EVALUATE The specific heat for a marble bench is 880 J/Kg˚C while the specific heat for a wooden bench is 1700 J/Kg˚C. Which bench would you rather sit on at 12 noon? Why?
Question The specific heat of sand is 835 J/Kg˚C. The specific heat of water is 4180 J/Kg˚C. Which substance would you rather touch your entire body at 12 noon? Why?
Question If the specific heat of water is 4180 J/Kg˚C and the specific heat of vegetable oil is 810 J/Kg˚C, what would happen if the ocean were made of vegetable oil?