Can you conduct DSE risk assessments for under £10 each? ADVISA can! ADVISA makes DSE risk assessments quick & affordable, at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods ADVISA can be set up to reflect your organisation’s structure - globally
Enrol your employees who are VDU/screen users and require regular risk assessments
Your screen/vdu users complete an easy to use questionnaire at their workstation Typical page below It takes 10 – 15 minutes It does not require a consultant or adviser or manager to sit with them at this stage to complete the questionnaire. That expertise can be focussed later on actual requirements which are identified.
Monitor users to ensure assessments are completed on time
ADVISA provides you with a variety of report formats to assess their answers then decide on appropriate corrective actions where required.
Save time, save money with ADVISA You can ‘View Compliance Failures by User / Question / location & question / location’ These reports list only those answers which show non-compliance and require corrective actions from management Advisa filters out compliant answers – you do not need to spend time reading these You only need spend valuable time on non-compliant answers deciding how to address the real issues ADVISA has identified
ADVISA quickly shows you where you do not comply with the DSE regulations At a glance, management can see where corrective actions are required and set priorities for these actions, and expenditure, to ensure compliance with the dse regulations
You manage corrective actions to bring your organisation into compliance
If you are not already conducting Workstation DSE risk assessments for your staff, ADVISA can help you do so in an affordable way. If you are conducting Workstation DSE risk assessments by the old traditional methods - clipboard/paper, a ‘Word’ form by - ADVISA can save you time and money. Whether you have 5 employees in one place or around the world, ADVISA can help you comply with the Health & Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 and save valuable time and money. Contact us: ADVISA Management Solutions Limited