Lesson guideline 1 1 Sales Contract Lesson 1
Lesson guideline 12 GLOSSARY - 1 Draw upredarre, stipulare DeliveryConsegna BindVincolare, obbligare EnquiryDomanda QuotationPreventivo QuoteFare un preventivo ArrangePreparare, disporre Place an orderFare/piazzare un ordine CustomerCliente Price listListino prezzi Terms of deliveryTermini di consegna Pattern bookCampionario LeatherPelle, cuoio
Lesson guideline 13 GLOSSARY - 2 SupplyFornitura Look forward (to + ing)Rimanere in attesa (di) InvoiceFattura Sight draftTratta a vista (cambiale) EmbassyAmbasciata Provide withProcurare, fornire ManufacturerProduttore EncloseAllegare
Lesson guideline BRAINSTORMING Which parties are involved in a sales transaction? What are the Key moments of the sales transaction? Which documents are drawn up in a sales transaction? Which ones regard: the payment? delivery? Which document legally binds the buyer and the seller?
Lesson guideline 15 2 – PRESENTATION The stages of the Sales Transaction Match each stage with the corresponding definition and put them in the order they normally occur in a sales transaction: Stages Enquiry/ Request of information A Order B Reply to enquiry with information C Voluntary offer D Sales Contract E Confirmation and execution of the sales F Payment G Definitions The buyer requests general information and a quotation The buyer pays for the goods The seller agrees to fullfil the order, arranges for documents and delivery The buyer places the order The seller provides information and quotes prices The sales contract is drawn up The seller offers his goods to potential customers
Lesson guideline LEZIONE SUL SALES CONTRACT Vedi il TEXTBOOK: The Sales Contract DEFINITION VALIDITY OF THE CONTRACT FORMALITIES OF THE CONTRACT PHASES OF THE NEGOTIATION PERFORMANCE OF THE CONTRACT CONTROVERSIES Gli studenti leggono il testo Linsegnante verifica la comprensione Linsegnante pone semplici domande
Lesson guideline PRACTICE Look at the letters. Say which stage of a sales transaction they refer to: Dear Mr. Greenville, We have examined your catalogue and price list and have decided to place an order for the following: 5 microwave ovencode minifridgecode pop up toaster code 12 At the price quoted in your list. Stage: A - B – C – D – E – F - G We are interested in receiving details of your production and terms of delivery and payment. Please also provide a patternbook of the leathers and a quotation for approximate supplies of about 500 jackets per year Stage: A - B – C – D – E – F - G
Lesson guideline 18 Look at the letters. Say which stage of a sales transaction they refer to: Gentlemen, Thank you very much for your letter dated January 15. We are glad to learn you are interested in our production and we are sending you by mail our current catalogue and export price list. We look forward to receiving your order. Stage: A - B – C – D – E – F - G Thank you for your order N. 3 of February which we are pleased to confirm in full. We are also pleased to inform you we have decided to give you a promotional 5% discount on this first supply which will be delivered to you by the required terms. We are sending you by mail our invoice and a sight draft for acceptance. A soon as we receive it back we shall hand the shipment over the carrier Stage: A - B – C – D – E – F - G Dear Sirs, We have asked the Italian Embassy here in Kazachi to provide us with names of Italian companies which might be interested in our product. We have been manufacturers of leather jackets since 1940 and we are sure we can meet your needs. Please find enclosed our catalogue, export price list and terms of business Stage: A - B – C – D – E – F - G
Lesson guideline 19 Esercizi per casa A - The Contract (Cloze) The Seller warrants that all supplied (1)_________ will be free from defects in (2)_________ and workmanship (lavorazione), conform to applicable specifications, drawings, samples, and descriptions. A contract as we understand it today is an (3)_________ between two or more (4)_________ to create legal obligations between them. According to modern contract law this condition is fulfilled by the acceptance of an (5)_________. agreement goods material offer parties B - The Negotiation 1 (Mix) Put the words in order to form a logical sequence acceptance / counter-offer / delivery / offer / valid contract C - The Negotiation 2 (Cloze) After one party (1)___________ the offer or the counter offer of the other party a contract is drawn up. Both parties have (2)___________. The most common phase is the obligation of the seller to (3)___________ a product and the obligation of the buyer to (4)___________ for it. This exchange of goods occurs during the phase of contract fulfillment. The buyer gets a (5)___________ for the amount he paid for the product. Such a receipt is the last document produced during the process. accepts deliver obligations pay receipt (ricevuta)
Lesson guideline 110 Complete the sentences using the following words: SALE, VALID, PRODUCTS, PARTIES, NEEDS, MOUTH, RAW MATERIAL, PURCHASER In order for a sale to be a _________contract there must be consent of the contracting _________ The contract of ______ may be made in writing, or by word of ______, or partly in writing A person or an enterprise, called buyer or __________, ______ to buy goods, ____________, or similar __________
Lesson guideline 111 Complete the table Contratto di vendita Consent Contrattare Mutual assent Trattativa Ownership Parte contrattuale Draft Fattura Ricevuta English Italian
Lesson guideline 112 Complete the table Clausole contrattuali Preventivo Offer Instalments Consegnare Delay Controfferta Cliente Accettazione Warranty English Italian