Poverty Law 2 CHIPS Adjunct Professor Monica Bogucki Copyright 2013
Children’s Justice Initiative Judge’s Benchbook Also located on the State of Minnesota Supreme Court website Court forms Children’s Justice Initiative:
Juvenile Court Dependency Cases Delinquency cases Status
72 hour holds Peace officer can put a child on a 72 hour hold if the: Child is found in surroundings or conditions which endanger the child’s health or welfare or the peace office reasonably believes will endanger the child’s health or welfare. Minn. Stat. 260C.175
72 hour hold Mental health 72 hour hold If a person is at risk of hurting herself or someone else Minn. Stat. 253B.05
Tennessen Warning, Minn. Stat When an individual is asked to supply private or confidential date the following warning must be given: Purpose of requested date If the individual can refuse to supply the data Any known consequence arising from providing or not providing the data Who will receive the information
Who can file a CHIPS petition? Minn. Stat. 260C.141 Any reputable person, including but not limited to any agent of the commissioner of human services, having knowledge of a child in this state or of a child who is resident of this state who appears to be in need of protection or services or neglected … may file this petition
CHIPS petitions Court forms:
Who are the players in juvenile court? CPS’s lawyer- county attorney GAL’s lawyer Parent’s lawyer Child’s lawyer Child Parent Child Protection Agency Guardian ad litem
Guardian ad Litem Person appointed by the court to protect the interests of minor in lawsuit Looks out for the “best interests” of the child Some are volunteer and some are paid Some are not lawyers and some are lawyers GAL may have a lawyer
CHIPS PETITION Forms available on State of Minnesota Supreme Court website