Meet the Partners: The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) The Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity (SCALE) Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education (SCOPE)
Housekeeping Notes... ●Due to the large number of attendees, your voice is automatically muted. ●To ask questions or engage in discussion, please use the “Chat” box in the lower right corner Try it out! Use the Chat box to say hi and tell us what drew you to this webinar ●Following the webinar, we will send slides and the recording to all registrants ●Need WebEx help? Please contact Ryan MacDonald at
Webinar Objectives To introduce the goals and purpose of the Performance Assessment Resource Bank To provide a demonstration of the features of the Performance Assessment Resource Bank To address any questions about the Performance Resource Bank, performance assessment, and/or the ILN Performance Assessment Project
Poll: How Familiar Are you with Performance Assessments? From a web browser: By text: Recipient: Message to join: “CCSSO” Then, in a separate text message, respond with A, B, C or D To: CCSSO
Performance Assessment Resource Bank
Resource Bank Contents
Features Users can download, save, share, and rate performance tasks and resources Performance tasks tagged by grade, subject, course, standards assessed, alignment to Critical Abilities, duration, level of collaboration, associated rubric Tasks include student work samples, when available Users can submit tasks and resources for review and inclusion in the bank
Critical Abilities Each task is aligned to Critical Abilities:Critical Abilities Research Analysis of Information Experimentation and Evaluation Communication in Many Forms Use of Technology Interpersonal Interaction and Collaboration Modeling, Design, and Problem Solving
Review Process Each task reviewed by at least 2 SCALE-trained content experts Rigorous criteria encompassing seven areas: Focus on Deeper Learning, Alignment to Standards, Student Choice and Agency, Relevance and Authenticity, Accessibility, Design of Task, Curriculum-Embedded (full review document available in resource bank) Only 2/3 of tasks submitted “pass” the review and are included in the bank
Details How do I get access? Who gets access? What if I’m not from an ILN state? How do I share news of the site?
How can you use the Performance Assessment Resource Bank? I can... Share with my colleagues Host a training based on a protocol Submit a task for review Use a performance task in my class this semester
Poll: How do you think you might use the Performance Assessment Resource Bank? From a web browser: By text: Recipient: Message to join: “CCSSO” Then send each response as a separate text message To: CCSSO
Discussion – Q&A ●Questions? Comments? Use the CHAT function of the WebEx
Thank you! Adriana Martinez, Elizabeth Stosich, Katie Wilczak,