Plot The sequence of events in a story. Narrative Order Chronological : The events are told in the order they happen. F lashback: author narrates an event.


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Presentation transcript:

Plot The sequence of events in a story

Narrative Order Chronological : The events are told in the order they happen. F lashback: author narrates an event that took place before the current time of the story. Flash forward: author narrates an event that occurred after the current point in the storyline. Time lapse: story skips a period of time that seems unusual compared to the rest of the plot. < I I I I 

Other Plot Elements Foreshadowing is the planting of hints about what will happen later in the story. Suspense is a state of tension, a sense of uncertainty, an emotional pull which keeps the reader reading.

Exposition  Setting  Characters  Background Info

Conflict the struggle between the protagonist & an opposing force.

Rising Action  Tension is built through a series of complications, incidents which either help or hinder the protagonist in resolving the conflict.

Climax the peak or turning point of the action The high point of the story Some or all conflicts are resolved The worst part of the problem

Falling Action  Also called “ denouement”  the part after the climax  Gives any necessary explanation  Ends with resolution, the sense that the story is complete and all loose ends are tied up.