Designing Field Research
Establish Your Goals What specifically do you want to find out? Make a list of questions you want answered Determine the best way to find your answers Who will you have to talk to? How many people?
Determine what combination of research you need: Survey(s) Interview(s) Observation(s) This will be determined by your questions
Selecting Your Sample How many people do you need to survey/interview? How do you avoid a bias sample? How can you ensure a large enough sample for a survey? How do you get people to take your survey?
Interviews Advantages Can find out much more detail Can determine truth much more easily Can clarify unclear responses
Interviews Disadvantages Take more time Must be careful with questions Cannot extrapolate to general population
Interview Questions Have every question written out and carefully worded. Deviate from these questions only when the situation calls for it. Have open-ended questions that elicit rich answers Never show your own opinion; remain neutral Keep your session within the promised time frame
Surveys KISS – Keep it short and simple Begin with a welcome and a promise of anonymity unless otherwise necessary Always provide a “Don’t Know” or “Not Applicable” or “other” or “none” option
Survey Question Types Multiple choice Open end Likert scale Rating scale Matrix of choices Textbox(es) Essay
Validity Getting the answer you want Have a title Easy questions first Order carefully Don’t always ask in the positive No double questions Avoid charged diction Be sure all alternatives are possible Leave demographic questions to the end Leave space at the end for other comments
SurveyMonkey Up to ten questions (can get around this a bit) Free Easy to use and analyze data Allows anonymity Time lapse—people can forget Lack of human urgency
Observations Allow ample time for change Visit spot multiple times Keep copious notes, even on things you might not use Choose spot carefully – avoid being interrupted, distracted
Observation Pros and Cons Pros Only bias is your own No one can lie or exaggerate Allows context to play a role Cons Personal bias Can misread situations Takes time and focus
Your Job Today Turn in your proposals Make your list of questions Determine your sample Determine your methods Start crafting questions All questions must be approved before research can begin