* June 8,2011 * Gumaca City, Quezon Province * Games and Internet surfing
* June 8,2011 * Gumaca City, Quezon Province * Games and Internet surfing
* June 8,2011 * Gumaca City, Quezon Province * Games and Internet surfing
* Customer avails to the current employee for a computer to rent.
* Employee takes note if the user is open time or limited.
* Employee directs customer to the computer.
* Employee records the starting time when the customer starts using the computer. * When time limit is reached or customer declares his/her use to end, employee computes the amount of money to be charged based on the time.
* Customer pays the employee. * Employee records the time and amount of money received.
* Inconsistency of time tracking
* Non-technological recording keeping
* To monitor the time usage of a customer on each computer.
* To generate the subtotal amount that a customer should pay.
* To record the income of the shop daily for backtracking and referencing.
* Rental agreements - Open Time and Fixed
* Network connections
* MD01 – Services Recording Module 1.Register Customer to a Terminal 2.Monitor Terminals 3.Stop Terminal Use 4.Register Additional Service 5.Delete/Edit Service 6.Customer Checkout
* MD02 - Price Management Module 1.Edit Cost of Services 2.View Current Cost of Services 3.Generate Text File
* MD03 – Data Parse Module. 1.Backtrack 2.Generate Text File
* Manager/Owner * Terminal and Service Controllers
* Binary File
* Prices Database 1. Price Version 2. Date Revised 3. Terminal Rental 4. Black and White Printing 5. Colored Printing 6. CD Burning 7. DVD Burning
* Income and Computer Usage Database 1. Customer Number 2. Terminal Number 3. Type of Rental 4. Time 5. Additional Services 6. Price of Unregistered Additional Services 7. Total Amount of Payables 8. Price Version
* Financial Report 1. Frequency of generation 2. Contents * Price Revision Tracking Report 1. Frequency of generation 2. Contents
Register Customer to Terminal Precondition: Main Flow of Events: 1)User selects which terminal will be rented and determines the rental type. 2)System will register the customer to the database 3)System will start the timer, corresponding to the desired terminal, according to the rental type. Exception Flow: None
Monitor Terminal Precondition: Main Flow of Events: 1)System displays the occupied and unoccupied terminals. 2)System displays the time lapse of each occupied terminal. 3)System informs the user if a customer's time limit has been reached. Exception Flow: None
Stop Terminal Use Precondition: Terminal has a registered customer Main Flow of Events: 1)User stops terminal usage time 2)System records time duration of customer usage in database. Exception Flow: None
Register Additional Service Precondition: Main Flow of Events: 1)User adds additional service that a customer avails. 2)System adds services to the database. 3)System confirms the user that the service has been successfully been added. Exception Flow: None
Register Additional Service Precondition: Alternative Flow: 1)User chooses a service that is not in the price database. 2)User inputs the price of the service availed. 3)System records the service into the database. Exception Flow: 1)User Inputs invalid price. 2)The system informs the user of the error. 3)The system goes back to the alternative flow.
Edit/Delete Service Precondition: There is a registered service availed by a customer in the database. Main Flow of Events: 1)User chooses a service to edit or delete. 2)System does the same revisions in the database. Exception Flow: None
Customer Checkout Precondition: Terminal has a registered customer Main Flow of Events: 1)User checks out the customer from the shop 2)System generates total amount of payables of the customer. 3)System records data in income database. Exception Flow: None
View Price Precondition: Price Database contains at least 1 data regarding a service. Main Flow of Events: 1.System shows list of services currently in the database 2.User chooses from the list of services 3.System accesses price database and lists 4.User checks the price description Exception Flow: 1)Price database is empty. 2)System informs user that there is currently no price information in the database. 3)System goes back to main menu.
Change Price Precondition: Price Database contains at least 1 data regarding a service. Main Flow of Events: 1)User chooses a service price to change 2)System accesses database by showing the price 3)User changes the price of the service 4)System verifies if the user is sure about the change that is to be made 5)System confirms the change. Exception Flow: None
Generate Text File for Price Database Precondition: Price Database contains at least 1 data regarding a service. Main Flow of Events: 1)System generates the text file for the price database. Exception Flow: None
View Income Precondition: There is at least 1 transaction made and recorded in the database Main Flow of Events: 1)User inputs the desired sorting criteria (daily, weekly, monthly) 2)System sorts the income data based on sorting criteria 3)Based on sorting criteria the user can further sort the data into specific time frames (still based on search criteria) 4)System outputs desired data corresponding to the specific search criteria
View Income Precondition: There is at least 1 transaction made and recorded in the database Exception Flow: 1)The income database is empty 2)System informs user that there is no income to show yet. 3)System directs user back to main menu
Generate Text File for Income Precondition: There is at least 1 transaction made and recorded in the database Main Flow of Events: 1)System generates a text file at the end of the day and on-demand Exception Flow: 1)The income database is empty 2)System informs user that there is no income to show yet. 3)System directs user back to main menu