Portfolios: A Collected Responsibility Enda Scott ¿?
Portfolios: A Collected Responsibility ¿?
Portfolios: A Collected Responsibility But we haven’t done any listenings this year! You didn’t tell us Reported Speech was in the exam! What’s a formal letter? What do we have to do in the oral exam? I never got THAT photocopy! Mmm … maybe … but I don’t know where it is now The dog ate it ¿?
Portfolios: A Collected Responsibility
CoE ELP PEL MRE CEF *European Languge Portfolio *Marco de referencia europeo *Portfolio Europeo de Lenguas *Council of Europe *Common European Framework ¿?
Portfolios: A Collected Responsibility 1991 Council of Europe Symposium in Rúschlikon decided to … - investigate a EUROPEAN LANGUAGE PORTFOLIO in which individuals could enter their experiences and qualifications in the area of modern foreign langugages - develop a extrensive, coherent and transparent REFERENCE GRID to describe communicative language competences Common European Framework (CEF) Marco Común Europea de referencia para las lenguas (MRE) European Language Portfolio (ELP) … PEL in Spanish.
Portfolios: A Collected Responsibility It doesn’t have the sexiest title in the world – but I believe the CEF is one of the most important documents about language teaching in living memory. Keith Morrow Etp, Sept. 2004
Portfolios: A Collected Responsibility “The portfolio project is designed to support European integration and the mobility of European citizens by providing users with a tool which not only allows them to record formal learning but also provides a means of recording other ways in which languages may be learnt or developed.” Council of Europe documentation
Portfolios: A Collected Responsibility For me, the ELP (which stemmed from the CEF), is and will be one of the most important instruments for universal language learning in living memory. Annie McDonald Etp Nov. 2004
Portfolios: A Collected Responsibility PASSPORT: BIOGRAPHY: DOSSIER: Official and non-official documentations and records of competencies / achievements Linguistic / cultural description of personal experiences learning and using language. Collected samples of work and progress
Portfolios: A Collected Responsibility
Let’s have a think … what are we doing? An initial experiment: ¿?
Portfolios: A Collected Responsibility What can you do at the end of the course? A further experiment: ¿?
Portfolios: A Collected Responsibility Let’s do some thinking here too! ¿?
Portfolios: A Collected Responsibility What can we do throughout a course? A full-blown experiment: ¿?
Portfolios: A Collected Responsibility o Everyone felt that regular reflection and collection of work is a good idea. o Students can often take pride in it and it can encourage a sense of responsibility. o Those who haven’t done the work have this clearly stated to them. Teachers have their back covered! o Nice way to end year with material to take home. Good marketing.
Portfolios: A Collected Responsibility SS like the idea that at end of the year they have a record of what they’ve done There is a section where the students give their personal opinion on the class and this feedback helps me. If I used it more regularly, I’m sure it would be better I did it in November than forgot all about it until recently. In hindsight it would have been useful to do it before I started Feb. Exam revision. I think the parents of these students will be interested in the portfolios … I think it was very useful for them to look back at what we’ve done … particularly before exams
Portfolios: A Collected Responsibility o Can be a lot of photocopying / maybe something simpler o You do have to be consistent with it (long term project, builds up … can forget etc) o There are many possible variations to suit ages, groups, teachers o Perhaps having parents see it and sign it might be a good idea.
Portfolios: A Collected Responsibility Life-long learning? A long-term experiment: ¿?
Portfolios: A Collected Responsibility ¿? Pick n mix approach Practicalities Consistency Workload Personalisation Transparency
Portfolios: A Collected Responsibility Uncensored! Interestingly, most people don’t like the portfolio because it is very bored. What is more, all people in the class think that if you lost the portfolio you are happy. However, the portfolio is very important for all the people. In my opinion the portfolio helps you for work and you can pass a good time with it.
Portfolios: A Collected Responsibility Let’s do some thinking here too! ¿?
Portfolios: A Collected Responsibility Eportfolios? A future experiment: ¿?
Portfolios: A Collected Responsibility Many options Conclusions: ¿? The experiment is worth it
Portfolios: A Collected Responsibility Thank you! ?¿