Divided Heart/Divided Nation Lesson 4 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

Divided Heart/Divided Nation Lesson

Divided Heart/Divided Nation 1 Kings 8:1-11/2 Chronicles 5 Solomon had ark of covenant brought to temple 7th month...11 months after temple completed Fall Feast Rosh Hashanan Yom Kippor Succoth Feast of Tabernacles

Divided Heart/Divided Nation Poles of ark protruded upon veil through? against? Tablets of old covenant only items in ark Rod of Aaron Jar of Manna Symbols of people’s complaining removed?

Divided Heart/Divided Nation 288 singers 120 trumpets Praising of the Lord Cloud of the Presence of the Lord Presence of the Lord is within Believers

Divided Heart/Divided Nation 1 Kings 8:12-53/2 Chronicles 6 Solomon’s Blessing and Prayer Blessing Tells his and God’s plans for house Blessed the Lord

Divided Heart/Divided Nation Solomon’s Prayer “Prayer” - speaking to God, making requests “Supplication” - more specific requesting kindness, mercy, favor Praised God Made supplication based upon the Law

Divided Heart/Divided Nation sin against a neighbor, taking an oath? punish and justify appropriately people defeated by an enemy because of sin? if they return, confess, make supplication at the temple...he asked God to hear, forgive and bring them back to the land

Divided Heart/Divided Nation no rain on land due to sin? If they pray toward this house...he asked God to hear, forgive, teach them, send rain famine, pestilence, enemies in the land? If they pray, made supplications and render according to his ways...God knows what is in each man’s heart

Divided Heart/Divided Nation a foreigner praying toward this house? Solomon asked God to hear and do So that all the peoples will know God’s name and that the temple is called by His name Israel in battle and one prays toward this house? Asked the Lord to hear and maintain Israel’s cause

Divided Heart/Divided Nation when they sin and God is angry and sends them captive to another land... If they repent... make supplication... return with all their heart... pray toward this house.... Then, he asked that God would hear maintain their cause forgive

Divided Heart/Divided Nation 1 Kings 8:54-66/2 Chronicles 7:1-10 Fire came from heaven and consumed the offering Glory of the Lord filled the temple Solomon blessed all the people and the Lord Huge offering

Divided Heart/Divided Nation Lesson