HW: Pg #30-60e
NUMBER THEORY Perfect Squares and Perfect Cubes SMART Notebook Practice
6.1 Using Properties of Exponents
For a radical to be in __________________, you must: _______________________________ Two radical expressions are __________________ if they have: _______________________________ 7.2 Properties of Rational Exponents apply the properties of radicals (see formulas from last slide) rationalize any denominators (no radicals on bottom) simplest form remove any perfect nth powers (other than 1) like radicals same index same radicand
6.1 Using Properties of Exponents Answers:
6.1 Using Properties of Exponents Answers:
6.1 Using Properties of Exponents Answers:
7.2 Properties of Rational Exponents Answers:
7.2 Properties of Rational Exponents Answers:
7.2 Properties of Rational Exponents
7.2 Properties of Rational Exponents Answers:
HOMEWORK: 6.1: Pg. 326 #16-48eoe 7.2: Pg #30-50eoe, 56-72eoe