HF UPGRADE PROJECT Y. Onel PM Report April 2,
Recent Highlights and News PRR response document is submitted. We have now our detailed HF Internal schedule for Thru this internal schedule we have moved some of our delivery dates forward. Our DOE Project dates will remain the same. Our Schedule starts with our PPP Final for the baseboards and follows a delivery sequence of “Test Stand” equipment, PMT’s and ROBOXes. Alexi is preparing the 904 and SX5 (alcove) Test System write-up detailing our equipment, procedures and measurements. Worked on the shipping plan of the PMT’s to CERN. The current plan is to ship the PMT’s from Iowa to CERN. Waiting input from Cathy Newman Holmes. Working on the new space allocation to store delivered equipment safely at CERN ( sent to Achille again– waiting for his response). The New HF Physics and Detector group is getting organized (Jane Nachtman). This group have members from Baylor, Brazil Universities, Iowa, Mississippi and Turkey. Developing our “Project Org Chart” adding Brazilan Universities and ITU, Istanbul. The PMT deliveries and testing going well. We had a meeting with Hamamatsu regarding our reject tubes. We have shipped back about 10 PMT’s ( low gain, high dark current and black cover problems) to be tested by them. Working on the New HV testing system and forming a committee to evaluate the RFP responses. 2
HF2012 Organization Chart 3
Integration Group Meeting The following topics were discussed during the last Integration Group Meeting. Analysis from Alexi showing we can actually access via DB info for ~900 PTMs already tested at Iowa and a need of an additional tools. Discussion from Alexi on the 904 and SX5 test equipment design and development as well as the system test procedures. Discussion from Ianos on recent result from Dima on fringe field effects on gain of m- anode PMTs (are we ok with it, do we want to take some corrective action ??). Ianos will talk today again– hopefully we will conclude on the next steps. Questions are: -Should we go back to 54 mm length for the shield like in Hybrid Box (%0 effect) ?? -Should we keep it at 46 mm (%5 light loss) and factor this in the calibration?? - Should we test the ROBOX in an external field with different shield lengthts ?? Which might delay our manufacturing time lines. 4
PMT test in 2012-I KEY AGREEMENT POINTS ON MARCH 14 th. Iowa is planning is to have all PMT's at CERN sometime before fall Exact shipping schedule is being worked out. Primary issue at the moment is resolving method of shipping, insurance, and costs/payment. We are expecting a response from Cathy on this. 75% of the PMT's and base boards will be tested in 2012 at CERN and 25% in beginning of 2013 before “Reassemble +testing period” We are in process of defining all test-stand setups and needed equipment to handle the testing of the base boards and PMT's. WE plan on having setups to test the equivalent of two boxes worth of PMT's at a time. The funding request is made- but the funding is not in place. Burn in HF Plus Side ROBOXs in Garages 210 days Mon 3/12/13 - Mon 1/14/14 and Burn in HF Minus Side ROBOXs in Garages 9/21/13 (as defined by the HF Project Schedule).
PMT test in 2012-II Functionality test – All base boards will be equipped with PMT’s and PMT + base board assembly will be tested at CERN. Primary readout is with HCAL DAQ and HF QIE etc. We will have four light distribution boxes (three in addition to existing one). Number augmented to allow base board + PMT testing in parallel with new ROB test development. Two will be set up for testing of PMT’s + base boards (6 base boards tested at a time). In addition to light distribution unit, setups will have: “Dark box” cover Signal and HV cables ( At the moment we only have cables for the one upgraded box.) Support for Base boards + PMT’s (using production ROB parts) All the necessary equipment components are designed currently at Iowa.
PMT test in 2012-III Before majority of PMT’s will be shipped, we will have 24 m-anode PMT’s + three baseboards at CERN to assemble and test one more “upgraded” ROBOX for test- stand/testing development Most mechanics already assembled at CERN. Needs cables from Fermi box. Will be assembled and ready for use by May. This ROBOX will be used to define all the test procedures –LED and PED runs, SPE runs. We will define what info goes to database, traveler runs etc.
PMT Shipping Cost All estimates based on 12 x 9 x 6 box Weight at 6.0lbs Total quantity to ship 1800 The maximum shipment value via both carriers to Switzerland is $50,000 USD * The cost of 25PMT’s shipped at CERN insured at $1000./each was $244.- Value per PMTQuantity of PMT per boxTotal Value of shipmentFed ExUPS Account# Account #678E35 $0500$1International Economy- $70Worldwide expedited- $165 $50500$25,000International Economy- $244Worldwide expedited- $365 $100500$50,000International Economy- $421Worldwide expedited- $565 $1,00050$50,000International Economy- $421Worldwide expedited- $565 8
HV Status Alexi and German are testing the following CAEN PSU. They will write a report on their findings. CAEN Option 1- A1535SN 24 channel module. Since 24 channel is not enough for one HF we have to use 2 PSU only 12 lines for cathode (4 quadrans times three rings) and we have to use another PSU A1511B 12 channel (with lower voltage) for dynode voltages - two modules - Option 2- A1538D 12 channel floating ground PSU we need two modules, plus at least one spare - in total 3 modules and again two modules of A1511B (as in option 1). In both option we need at least one spare of A15511B - In option one we can survive without extra spare module of A1535SN, since we will use 12 lines out 24 per HF and 24 channels, 12 per HF will be as spares. New Bulgarian PSU. We have an estimated price for this. Lubomir Dimitrov. is coming at CERN April 17 th and Alexi and German will start the new module with Lubomir and write a report. We will then send our RFP to CAEN and Bulgarians and get their bid. We are forming a committee on this to decide after the RFP responses. The current members are Alexi, German, Ianos, Sergey and Dave Winn from HF. We will add D.Kelogg from HCAL and ask Magnus if we can put him in this committee or somebody else from CERN. 9
Milestones 2012 HF UPGRADE PROJECT MILESTONS PMT Testing 50% Complete 1/1/2012 Production Readiness Review 1/12/2012 New YETS 2012 ROBOX manufactured, tested and installed in CMS 2/17/2012 New cable purchase decision 2 or 4 channel 7/1/2012 Start of CMS 2012 Shutdown 12/5/12 Equip ROBOX test stands at SX5 11/23/12 Gather Miscellaneous Hardware/Equipment for in-situ HF Testing in Garages 11/23/12 Install Miscellaneous Hardware/Equipment for in-situ HF Testing in Garages 12/19/12 HF Plus Moved into Garages 12/21/12 HCAL INTERNAL MILESTONES New HV system purchase decision 8/15/2012 HF PMT characterization and testing 100% done 10/1/2012 HF PMT's are shipped to CERN 10/15/2012 HF PMT Boards QC testing 100% at Iowa 11/1/2012 Start of the HF ROBOXes shipping to CERN 11/1/2012 HF PMT's are shipped to CERN 10/15/
PCB production 12x Jumper base board production/checking jumper board testing PCB production Board assembly/testing First set Testing at Iowa Ship PCB's to CERN Board assembly/testing Second set PCB milestones 12x Jumper base boards assembled/checked First assembled/checked boards to Iowa Half production (130) delivered to Iowa All 260 delivered to Iowa. End of production 3/1/ /15/12 4/15/ /15/12 5/15/12—6/15/12 6/15/12– 10/7/2012 6/30/12-7/31/12 7/31/12—8/31/12 10/7/12– 12/21/2012 (4/15/12) (7/15/12) (10/1/12) (12/21/12) SL SL, IS, AM SL MM, JC, DS, ZJ, GF, JK ZJ SL
Test stand setup Test new box ( set-up new ROB) Produce and assemble test equip Establish Testing Procedures Produce Test stand equip (Produce and assemble test equip) AM Tests new Box New ROBOX at 904- operating New ROBOX at SX5- operating Test Stands at SX5—operating 4/23/12 - 5/15/12 3/31/12 - 6/30/12 4/23/12 - 7/31/12 4/15-6/30 5/15 - 6/7/12 7/31/12 - 8/31/12 7/31/12 12/23/12 IS, AM IS, MF, PD, TK AM, IS, AP IS, MF, PD, TK AM, HB, EB AM, IS, AP, GA, YG AM, IS, AP, GA, YG, SD, YOz, FO, SS, SC, NB
13 Test stand setup Test new box Produce Test stand equip Setup New ROB Establish testing process ROB to 904 Setup at SX5 Test stand at SX5 04/01/ /15/12 04/01/ /30/12 04/21/ /31/12 04/21/ /01/12 08/01/ /01/12 09/01/ /22/12 11/23/ /21/12
ROB mechanics Finalize Shield dimensions & All materials ordered QN + Iowa students pre-assembly Ship to CERN CERN Setup HF+ mechanics pre-assembly/cable prep. ROB Completion Dates 25% completion 50% completion 75% completion 100% completion Production contingency 04/01/ /14/12 06/01/ /01/12 09/01/12 09/14/ /01/12 10/01/ /01/13 05/01/ /31/12 07/01/ /31/12 09/01/ /31/12 11/01/ /21/12 12/22/ /28/13 PB, MT, IS, PD, TK ZJ, ET, GF, JC, JK, DS Olga, TK, PD, (+2 crews x2)
PMT's Delivery dates Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8 06/01/12 06/14/12 07/01/12 07/14/12 08/01/12 08/14/12 09/01/12 09/14/12
PMT's PMT sorting and packing and shipping (UA+ZJ+GF+JC+JK) Assembly and testing (AM+IS+DK+M.K+O.K) Base board population learning/training (AM+IS+DK+M.K+O.K) Populate and test base boards (AM+IS+DK+M.K+ O.K+ E.E+O.O+ B.U+ M.Y+S.D+ Y.Oz+H.O+K.D)
17 Assembly and Testing Base board population learning/training Populate and test baseboards HF+ Q1 (27) HF+ Q2 (54) HF+ Q3 (81) HF+ Q4 (108) HF- Q1 (135) HF- Q2 (162) HF- Q3 (189) HF- Q4 (216) 08/14/ /31/12 08/21/ /20/12 09/21/ /14/12 10/15/ /06/12 11/07/ /30/12 12/01/ /21/12 12/22/ /13/13 01/14/ /06/13 02/07/ /28/13 AM, IS, DK, MK, OK AM, IS, DK, MK, OK, EE, OO, BU, MY, SD, YOz, HO, KD
Activities on HF (HF+ HF-) HF + HF+ to garage ROB’s out Disassemble Reassemble + testing HF - HF- to garage ROB’s out Disassemble Reassemble + testing 12/14/ /21/12 01/21/ /06/13 02/07/ /28/13 03/01/ /06/13 01/07/ /13/13 02/01/ /13/13 03/01/ /31/13 04/01/ /06/13
Important dates Upgrade week Testbeam 1 Tech stop CMS week (26) CMS week (36) outside CERN Testbeam 2 CMS Week (50) 05/14/12 05/21/ /28/12 06/14/12 09/01/12 10/29/ /19/12 12/01/12
Simulation Plans l Goal: study implications of HF upgrade scenarios è 2 vs 4-anode readout è Timing è Trigger l Examples: CMS physics channels è VBF Higgs – forward jet tagging è MET-based channels, SUSY,etc : HF provides coverage for Missing ET measurement l Who is working on this: è Iowa group è Ken Hatakeyama (Baylor) + student – MET noise studies è New collaborators from Brazil : Alberto Santo, Gilvan Alves, Jorge Molina è Rob Kroeger and Rahmat (Mississippi)– HFGFlash -- implement PMT windows + pipes, fiber bundles, etc. into the G4 geometry. l Will make detailed plans, report to HF group once/month
ITU, Turkey simulation Plans ITU grad students (Mete Yucel and Esra Barlas) are working on simulation of 2- and 4-channel readout options of new PMTs. - They have already made a new shower library in CMSSW Geant4 application based on the Quantum Efficiency of new tubes. - The new shower library can be used to tune GFlash for any other HF based simulations. - Together with Taylan, they developed a simulation code to adapt the current RecHits to 2-channel and 4-channel RecHits, based on findings from test beam. We have shown the distributions from CMSSW data that resembles test beam distributions. 24
Back-up 25
Milestones 2012 HF UPGRADE PROJECT MILESTONS PMT Testing 50% Complete 1/1/2012 Production Readiness Review 1/12/2012 New YETS 2012 ROBOX manufactured, tested and installed in CMS 2/17/2012 New cable purchase decision 2 or 4 channel 7/1/2012 Start of CMS 2012 Shutdown 12/5/12 Equip ROBOX test stands at SX5 11/23/12 Gather Miscellaneous Hardware/Equipment for in-situ HF Testing in Garages 11/23/12 Install Miscellaneous Hardware/Equipment for in-situ HF Testing in Garages 12/19/12 HF Plus Moved into Garages 12/21/12 HCAL INTERNAL MILESTONES New HV system purchase decision 8/15/2012 HF PMT characterization and testing 100% done 10/1/2012 HF PMT's are shipped to CERN 10/15/2012 HF PMT Boards QC testing 100% at Iowa 11/1/2012 Start of the HF ROBOXes shipping to CERN 11/1/2012 HF PMT's are shipped to CERN 10/15/
Schedule with dates Production Readiness Review1 dayTue 11/15/11Tue 11/15/11 HF Upgrade Installation and Commissioning384 daysThu 9/1/12Wed 3/13/14 Equip ROBOX test stands at SX560 daysThu 9/1/12Wed 11/23/12 Gather Miscellaneous Hardware/Equipment for in-situ HF Testing in Garages60 daysThu 9/1/12Wed 11/23/12 Install Miscellaneous Hardware/Equipment for in-situ HF Testing in Garages10 daysTue 12/6/12Mon 12/19/12 Start of CMS 2012 Shutdown1 dayMon 12/5/12Mon 12/5/12 HF Plus Rework and Installation312 daysMon 12/12/12Wed 3/13/14 HF Plus Moved into Garages8 daysMon 12/12/12Wed 12/21/12 Set Up HF Plus Scaffolding265 daysThu 1/5/13Fri 1/18/14 Set Up HF Plus Scaffolding 2 daysThu 1/5/13Fri 1/6/13 HF Plus Scaffolding Rental - M&S265 daysThu 1/5/13Fri 1/18/14 HF Plus ROBOX Removal Preparation in Garage11 daysMon 1/9/13Mon 1/23/13 HF Plus ROBOXs Dismounted and Moved to SX511 daysTue 1/24/13Tue 2/7/13 HF Plus - Mount at Crates New DSub to New Connector Patch Panels30 daysWed 2/8/14Tue 3/20/14 Install new HF PMT ROBOX Cables on HF Plus60 daysWed 6/13/13Tue 9/4/13 HF Plus ROBOX Disassembly22 daysTue 1/31/13Wed 2/29/13 HF Plus ROBOX Reassembly and Testing72 daysThu 2/2/13Fri 5/11/13 Remount HF Plus ROBOXs 72 daysWed 2/22/13Thu 5/31/13 Burn in HF Plus Side ROBOXs in Garages210 daysMon 3/12/13Mon 1/14/14 Move HF Plus Out of Garage2 daysThu 1/17/14Fri 1/18/14 Reinstall HF Plus into CMS6 daysWed 1/23/14Wed 1/30/14 Integrate and Commission HF Plus Side ROBOXs in UXC30 daysThu 1/31/14Wed 3/13/14 HF Minus Rework and Installation305 daysWed 12/21/12Wed 3/13/14 HF Minus Moved into Garages8 daysWed 12/21/12Fri 1/13/13 Set Up HF Minus Scaffolding200 daysMon 1/16/13Wed 10/17/13 Set Up HF Minus Scaffolding - Labor2 daysMon 1/16/13Tue 1/17/13 HF Minus Scaffolding Rental - M&S200 daysMon 1/16/13Wed 10/17/13 HF Minus ROBOX Removal Preparation in Garage11 daysWed 1/18/13Wed 2/1/13 HF Minus ROBOXs Dismounted and Moved to SX511 daysThu 2/2/13Thu 2/16/13 HF Minus - Mount at Crates New DSub to New Connector Patch Panels30 daysFri 2/17/13Thu 3/29/13 Install new HF PMT ROBOX Cables on HF Minus60 daysWed 6/27/13Tue 9/18/13 HF Minus ROBOX Disassembly22 daysWed 2/29/13Thu 3/29/13 HF Minus ROBOX Reassembly and Testing72 daysTue 4/3/13Wed 7/11/13 Remount HF Minus ROBOXs 72 daysTue 4/17/13Wed 7/25/13 Burn in HF Minus Side ROBOXs in Garages40 daysMon 7/30/13Fri 9/21/13 Move HF Minus Out of Garage2 daysMon 10/22/13Tue 10/23/13 Reinstall HF Minus into CMS6 daysWed 10/24/13Wed 10/31/13 Integrate and Commission HF Minus Side ROBOXs in UXC84 daysThu 11/1/13Wed 3/13/14 HF Installation and Commissioning Completed - CMS Ready for Beam1 daysWed 3/13/14Wed 3/13/14 CMS Ready for Beam1 dayWed 3/13/14Wed 3/13/14 27
Milestones Production Readiness Review11/15/11 Equip ROBOX test stands at SX5 11/23/12* Start of CMS 2012 Shutdown 12/5/12 HF Plus ROBOX Reassembly and Testing 5/11/13 Remount HF Plus ROBOXs 5/31/13 HF Minus ROBOX Reassembly and Test7/11/13 Remount HF Minus ROBOXs 7/25/13 Install new HF PMT ROBOX Cables on HF Plus 9/4/13 Install new HF PMT ROBOX Cables on HF Minus 9/18/13 Burn in HF Minus Side ROBOXs in Garages9/21/13 Reinstall HF Minus into CMS10/31/13 Burn in HF Plus Side ROBOXs in Garages1/14/14 Reinstall HF Plus into CMS1/30/14 HF Minus Rework and Installation3/13/14 Integrate and Commission HF Minus Side ROBOXs in UXC 3/13/14 Integrate and Commission HF Plus Side ROBOXs in UXC3/13/14 HF Upgrade Installation and Commissioning completed3/13/14 CMS Ready for Beam3/13/14 *we might move this to an earlier date 28