8/Mar./041st Workshopon the Italy-Japan Collaboration on Geant4 Medical Application 1 Use-Case on treatment planning at HIMAC Koichi Murakami KEK 1 st Workshop on the Italy-Japan Collaboration on Geant4 Medical Application 8/Mar./04, INFN Genova
8/Mar./041st Workshopon the Italy-Japan Collaboration on Geant4 Medical Application 2 Introduction Our project was just started and we are not yet familiar with practical use-cases in medical application. It is important to collect practical use-cases and requirements for medical users. We had hearing for treatment planning system at HIMAC (NIRS) on last Dec. with a brief demonstration of the system. collecting use-cases and documentation picking up requirements from use-cases
8/Mar./041st Workshopon the Italy-Japan Collaboration on Geant4 Medical Application 3 Basic Flow of Radiation Treatment Diagnosis Prescription according to the treatment protocol. Treatment planning (our scope) Discussion based on the results of treatment planning Treatment
8/Mar./041st Workshopon the Italy-Japan Collaboration on Geant4 Medical Application 4 Input/Output of the system At first, we list up items taking part in the system. Diagnosis (input) “ Treatment protocol ” to be applied Image data (CT) of a patient DICOM format Specification of ROI (Region Of Interest) Identification of organs Specification of target (cancer) volume Parameters of treatment system beam energy, parameters of beam line (input) parameters of collimators (range shifter, MLC, Bolus) (i/o) Discussion based on the results of treatment planning (output) Dose distribution DVH (Dose Volume Histogram)
8/Mar./041st Workshopon the Italy-Japan Collaboration on Geant4 Medical Application 5 Image Data (CT) DICOM format “ Dr. View ” is used as visualization tools. Resolution 512x512 pixels of 0.7mm 2 in xy-plane 21cm x 15cm (at MLC in HIMAC) dz=3/5 mm along z-direction, 30cm in total Correction position smoothing density (removal of artifact) Conversion from CT-value to density material is defined as “ water ”.
8/Mar./041st Workshopon the Italy-Japan Collaboration on Geant4 Medical Application 6 Specification of ROI ROI (Region Of Interest) region for scoring DVH OAR (Organs At Risk) Tumor (Target) Volume GTV < CTV < PTV GTV (Gloss Tumor Volume) CTV (Clinical Target Volume) PTV (Planning Target Volume) TV = PTV + 6mm (HIMAC) Operation is carried out by doctors. Marking ROI for each sliced CT image by hand Automatic identification of organs is possible with commercial tools.
8/Mar./041st Workshopon the Italy-Japan Collaboration on Geant4 Medical Application 7 Parameters of Treatment System Beam energy depending on the depth to tumor Parameters of magnets making laterally uniform beam area Wobbler magnet and scatterer thickness Ridge filter forming SOBP (Spread Out Bragg Peak) Range Shifter adjusting range Collimators Ring collimators MLC (multi leaf collimator) Bolus being sculpted for tumor depth Control protocols of hardware GPIB Original format
8/Mar./041st Workshopon the Italy-Japan Collaboration on Geant4 Medical Application 8 Discussion for Treatment Treatment team has discussion based on the results of treatment planning. Dose Distribution Spatial resolution 2 times larger size of cells than CT image (1.4mmx1.4mm) same size along z-direction more fine resolution in other facilities DVH (Dose Volume Histogram) Integrated volume having dose more than given over ROI. DVH in TV vs. DVH in OAR (Organ At Risk)
8/Mar./041st Workshopon the Italy-Japan Collaboration on Geant4 Medical Application 9 Documentation
8/Mar./041st Workshopon the Italy-Japan Collaboration on Geant4 Medical Application 10 Documentation Making formatted documentation was just started for our situation. Digging out actors (list of actors) Breaking down to sub-systems (tentative) Glossary of terminology Description of use-cases
8/Mar./041st Workshopon the Italy-Japan Collaboration on Geant4 Medical Application 11 Digging out Actors List of Actors Doctors MRT (Medical Radiation Technologists) as Operators/Planners This is our (japanese) situation. Situation can be different between countries. Other concerned participants Patients QA of system (design/study/evaluation)
8/Mar./041st Workshopon the Italy-Japan Collaboration on Geant4 Medical Application 12 System Component Breaking down to sub-systems This is currently tentative. A) Modeling / Visualization B) Management of Geometry and Parameters C) Dose Calculation D) Analysis
8/Mar./041st Workshopon the Italy-Japan Collaboration on Geant4 Medical Application 13 Scope of System Component (1) Modeling / Visualization I/O of image data Interface with CT-system and image servers Visualization of image data Image processing in medical use automatic detection of organs editing CT-values modeling of human body production of DRR (Digitally Reconstructed Radiograph) (Graphical) user interface
8/Mar./041st Workshopon the Italy-Japan Collaboration on Geant4 Medical Application 14 Scope of System Component (2) Management of Geometry and Parameters I/O and management of geometry and parameters beam line parameters and (Geant4) geometry information of patients converted from CT images to a suitable for planning (e.g. Geant4 geometry) Calculation and management of parameters of instruments forming exposure area collimators/filters interface with CAD/CAM system (Graphical) user interface
8/Mar./041st Workshopon the Italy-Japan Collaboration on Geant4 Medical Application 15 Scope of System Component (3) Dose Calculation / Analysis Dose Calculation Dose calculation engine non-MC base code MC code (e.g. Geant4) Scoring (Tally) package Analysis Analysis (histogramming) package Interface with visualization of result (Graphical) user interface
8/Mar./041st Workshopon the Italy-Japan Collaboration on Geant4 Medical Application 16 Description of Use-cases Items in each use-case Identifier Goals in Context Scope System / Sub-system / Component as Black Box / White Box Level Summary / User-goal / Function (according to abstraction level) Actors Pre-condition Guarantees Scenario Extensions branches for main scinario alternatives in cases of failure variations of what to do for main scenario Technology and Data Variation variations of how to do for main scenario Notes
8/Mar./041st Workshopon the Italy-Japan Collaboration on Geant4 Medical Application 17 Documentation of Use-Case We ’ ve made documentation for higher level of use-cases. 1 summary level of use-case and 4 user-goal level of use-cases for sub-systems Use-Case: Planning radiation treatment Making treatment plan with treatment planning system. summary (top) level scope : radiation treatment planning system sub-systems are used as black boxes.
8/Mar./041st Workshopon the Italy-Japan Collaboration on Geant4 Medical Application 18 User-goal level of Use-Cases (1) Input of treatment information Scope : Visualization / Modeling (White Box) Processing CT image of a patient and setting information of treatment Input of exposure condition Scope: Management of geometry and parameters (WB) Setting exposure condition of the system beam line parameters exposed dose
8/Mar./041st Workshopon the Italy-Japan Collaboration on Geant4 Medical Application 19 User-goal level Use-Cases (2) Calculation of parameters of instruments Scope: Management of geometry and parameters (WB) Calculating parameters of instruments forming exposed area ridge filter range shifter bolus MLF (Multi Leaf Collimator) Calculation of Dose Distribution Scope : Dose Calculation (WB) Calculating dose distribution in ROI under the given condition
8/Mar./041st Workshopon the Italy-Japan Collaboration on Geant4 Medical Application 20 Future Direction Collecting Use-Cases for as many facility / system of treatment planning system as possible Documentation of Use-Cases Breaking down to well-defined sub- systems Finding components which can be shared between different system. Picking up requirements