1Moscow SG/cta/ International Organization for Standardization
2Moscow SG/cta/ International Standards: Effective instruments for raising the competitiveness of the Russian Industry by Alan Bryden ISO Secretary-General Moscow 10 April 2008
3Moscow SG/cta/ Outline of presentation The global context Technical regulations and consensus based standards The ISO System IEC and ISO Europe and ISO The Russian Federation and ISO
4Moscow SG/cta/ An increasing demand for consensus based International Standards Globalization of trade in products and services Outsourcing and offshoring of procurement and investment Deregulation of public services Response to climate change and energy efficiency Public demand for consumer and environmental protection Need for international solidarity to face terrorism, epidemics and natural disasters Deployment of new technologies and innovation
5Moscow SG/cta/ A new global framework for technical harmonization WTO : TBT, SPS and GATS (services) agreements Multiplication of regional and bilateral trade agreements: more than 200 identified by WTO Major new emerging economies (China, India, Brazil, CIS, ASEAN countries…) and regulatory reforms Good regulatory practices and reference to standards, as components of good public governance Global companies Increasing impact of societal NGOs
6Moscow SG/cta/ signatory countries (as of ) Avoidance of unnecessary obstacles to trade Non-discrimination and national treatment Transparency Harmonization Equivalence of technical regulations Mutual recognition of conformity assessment procedures WTO – Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (1)
7Moscow SG/cta/ WTO – Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (2) Recognizes countries’ rights to adopt the technical regulations they consider appropriate Justification of divergences with international practice: climatic, geographic, safety, security, environment,… (notification, safeguard clause and dispute resolution processes) Encourages countries to use international standards where appropriate Sets out rules for the preparation, adoption and application of standards by governments and standardizing bodies developing voluntary standards WTO Code of Good Practice ratified by 163 Standardizing Bodies. Access through ISO-IEC Information Center (
8Moscow SG/cta/ Role of international standards in WTO-TBT context Voluntary consensus-based international standards need to meet several criteria in order to facilitate international trade: Transparency Openness Impartiality and consensus Effectiveness and relevance Coherence Inclusion of developing countries
9Moscow SG/cta/ Technical regulations address issues such as Safety Security Health Environmental impact Accessibility Fairness of trade Consumer, user or worker information Relating to products, processes, plants, building, services or business practices
10Moscow SG/cta/ Complementarity between technical regulations and standards Regulations set mandatory requirements and related conformity assessment deemed necessary by the legislator for protecting citizens, the environment, infrastructures and property (intellectual, physical) Consensus based standards address technicalities and good practices for implementing technical regulations. They are developed by a transparent process involving all the interested stakeholders International Standards may reconcile legitimate societal requirements with avoiding unnecessary technical barriers to trade
11Moscow SG/cta/ Consensus based standards address many issues Terms and definitions Graphical symbols, pictograms and labeling Measurement, analysis and test methods Interoperability requirements Processing, validation and exchange of data Performance characteristics for quality, safety, security, health, environmental requirements Organizational and management practices Packaging Conformity assessment
12Moscow SG/cta/ The World Standards Cooperation (WSC) Multi-discipline and cross-sector For electrotechnology For telecommunications The leading international standardization organizations Collaborate to meet the challenges of converging technologies
13Moscow SG/cta/ The ISO system At February 2007 IT tools Standards development procedures Consensus building Dissemination 157 national members 186 active TCs technical bodies experts Central Secretariat in Geneva 153 staff Collection of ISO Standards standards produced in 2007
14Moscow SG/cta/ Evolution of the ISO membership 157* * March 2008
15Moscow SG/cta/ ISO’s global networking WTO: observer status and collaboration UN and UN agencies: CODEX, ILO, IMO, ITC, UPU, UN/ECE, UNIDO, WHO, WMO, WTO-Tourism,... World Customs Organization (WCO) 720 liaisons and partnerships with international and regional organizations in technical work Links with seven regional bodies (ACCSQ, AIDMO, ARSO, CEN, COPANT, EASC, PASC) Economic actors: Accreditation: IAF and ILAC, Consumers International, ICC, IFAN, World Economic Forum, World Energy Council, etc…
16Moscow SG/cta/ World total number of ISO 9001:2000 certificates
17Moscow SG/cta/ Collaboration with IEC Coordination of technical work Conformity assessment : CASCO Patent policy Copyright protection Use of ISO and IEC standards in regulations JTC 1 on Information Technologies
18Moscow SG/cta/ ISO & Europe Vienna Agreement signed in 1991 with CEN Four main mechanisms for ensuring equivalence of ISO and European standards : Adoption of ISO standards by CEN Parallel approval of work items under ISO leadership Parallel approval of work items under CEN leadership Adoption by ISO of European Standards
19Moscow SG/cta/ ISO-CEN: Vienna Agreement in figures As of December 2007 : 3382 European standards are identical to ISO standards (of the total EN standards) Ongoing work at : Parallel approval – ISO lead725 – CEN lead 92 Direct adoption by CEN: 119 ongoing
20Moscow SG/cta/ Some issues in ISO topical for Russian stakeholders Oil and gas Coal Steel Paper and pulp Timber Water quality Aeronautics Motor vehicles Industrial equipment and automation Building and construction Food safety
21Moscow SG/cta/ Some issues in ISO topical for Russian stakeholders Security Environment and climate change Energy efficiency and renewable sources Services: financial services, IT, tourism, water … Aquaculture and fisheries Information and Communication Technologies Nano-technologies and Bio- technologies Healthcare and medical technologies Management System Standards Conformity assessment
22Moscow SG/cta/ GOST-R : The gateway to ISO for Russian stakeholders ISO member since 1947 (USSR until end 1991) Position in ISO governance Council member in ; ; ; ISO Presidents: A. B.Viatkine, ; V.V. Boitsov, ISO General Assembly in 1967 Participation in technical work: CASCOP-Member COPOLCOP-Member DEVCOP-Member 8 TC/SC Secretariats 496 P-memberships (72% of all TC/SCs) 84 O-memberships (12% of all TC/SCs) Participation in Policy Development Committees:
23Moscow SG/cta/ ISO’s added value Broad national membership Extensive international networking and liaisons ISO Code of Ethics Brand name Established procedures and recognition Multi-sector scope Fully compliant with WTO criteria for international standards International network Consistency and maintenance of the ISO collection Involvement in e-commerce Reference in regulations and public procurements ISO toolbox for conformity assessment standards Wide dissemination of ISO standards and national adoptions Connections with societal interests (environment, consumers, social responsibility,...)
24Moscow SG/cta/ ISO International Standards for a sustainable world Thank for your attention!