Ms. Zaytsev English II 10/31/13 Objective: - To examine the ways in which the concept of realism and naturalism affect an author’s work Agenda -SAT Question of the day (5 minutes) -Do Now (5 minutes) - Realism v Naturalism (10 minutes) -Stephen Crane Bio (10) -Read story SAT Question of the Day!!! Joshua's radical ideas were frowned on by most of his coworkers, who found them too for their conservative tastes. (A) heretical (B) meticulous (C) precise (D) incoherent (E) sagacious
Answer – A! Difficulty: Medium Joshua's colleagues are described as having "conservative tastes" and frowning on his "radical ideas." Such colleagues are likely to find Joshua's ideas too "heretical," or too divergent or different from conventional beliefs and standards. Choice (A), then, is the best answer.
Why did Langston Hughes write the poem “I Too”? What message was he trying to send to his audience?
Stephen Crane “An Episode in War”
Realism Realism is a type of literature that tries to show people and their lives as realistically as possible. Authors who write material within this literary movement focus on ordinary people rather than on exaggerated models of idealistic behavior. Often such writers emphasize the harsh realities of ordinary daily life, even though their characters are fictional.
Naturalism Naturalism expands on the base begun by realism. Writers who create naturalistic literature follow the traits of realism, but they add the ideas that people and their lives are often deeply affected by natural forces such as heredity, environment, or even chance. People cannot control such forces, yet they must carry on the best way they can.
The main difference The main difference between the two movements is that naturalism emphasizes the lack of control its realistic characters have over the changes taking place in their lives. The influence of both literary movements can often be seen in the same piece of literature, such as “An Episode of War” by Stephen Crane.
Author Mini Bio Let's Learn about Stephen Crane TURN TO PAGE 474
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Civil War Medical Kit What do these Civil War surgical instruments suggest about the nature of the medical treatment during the war?
In order to review for your quiz, make sure to: -Complete reading “An Episode of War” - Review your Walt Whitman notes - Review your Stephen Crane notes - Review your American Civil War notes