Blue Springs Elementary Mrs. Hall Second Grade
About Mrs. Hall Married to Richard Hall for 19 years 3 children, Katie, Marci and Lilli B.S. Degree in Early Childhood Education from Athens State University Masters in Early Childhood Education from Alabama A&M 22 years teaching experience I enjoy reading, traveling and spending time with my family. I love teaching 2 nd graders!
Tonight’s Papers Please complete the paper on desks tonight Take folders home to complete other papers Return folders as soon as possible Notice checklist to make sure all papers are returned
Supplies Brought Tonight If you have your $25.00 supply fee tonight – you may give it to me Place school supply bags on tables or desks Make sure names are listed on items
Weekly Schedule Lunch: daily at 11:00-11:30 P.E. class: daily at 10:00-10:30 Music Class: 8:45-9:35 Thursday Art Class 8:45-9:35 Thursday Library: 8:45-9:20 Tuesday Break: daily at 1:30-1:45
Discipline Review policy sent home and return signature page Behavior notes will be sent home as needed Good behavior will be rewarded each day with tickets
School Supplies Please send as soon as possible List is available Some items will be stored for 2 nd semester use. Note will go home if student supplies need replenishing
Bus & Car Notes Please send notes in the morning Call before 2:00 p.m. Students must have a parent note if riding home a different way than usual 2 nd grade teachers alternate taking students to the buses and car lines
Absentees & Tardies Please inform me ahead of time if possible so I can plan for make up work and schedule tests at a different time Must turn in a note for all absentees/tardies Students must be in the room when tardy bell rings at 7:45 a.m. Extended trips must have prior approval by Mr. Hamilton
Money Please send it in a sealed envelope Please label what money is for!
Homework Read every night Study Spelling words every night Study vocabulary words every night Handwriting page every night Math – most nights Please sign homework sheet daily!
Lunch K –Third grades: $1.85 Menus no longer sent home –See weekly listing in local newspaper –Posted on school website –Posted in classroom and hallways No carbonated drinks allowed Memorize your lunch number!
Break Break stand will be open daily –Each item costs 50 cents –Chips, fruit roll ups, etc. and drinks Students may bring their own Break is eaten in the hallway
Test Days Days may change if week is shorter due to field trips, breaks, weather, etc. –Reading story: Wednesdays –Spelling: Thursdays –Language: Fridays –Vocabulary: Fridays
Graded Papers Sent home each week Please sign and return papers! Look for teacher comments Write a comment or question if needed
Progress Reports Sent home with graded papers weekly in addition to the scheduled report at the midpoint of the nine week period. Please sign and return papers!
Important Notes See homework sheet –Upcoming events will be listed at bottom –Spelling words –Changes in homework/test dates
Things to Save at Home Box Tops for Education empty paper towel rolls/toilet paper rolls 2 adult size t-shirts (old and plain white) empty pint size containers (half/half or Burger King milk)
Volunteers Needed We need lots of help! Work at home or school –Cutting, gluing, copying, sorting, laminating, etc. Please return volunteer note
Planned Field Trips Gullion Farms – October 12th –Animals, fishing, hay rides, pumpkin patch, corn bins, and so much more fun! Chattanooga Aquarium – Spring March 22 nd
Special Events Fall Festival: October Native American T-Shirts: November Gingerbread Houses: December Chinese New Year: January Character Parade: March Pirate Week: May Field Day: May
After School Programs Tutoring: 2:50 p.m. until 3:50 p.m. More information later Girl Scouts: meets once a month
Birthday Parties Send invitations to each child in class Sign class address book if you approve of including your child’s name/phone number onto the class list Bring goodies to share at break Items must be dropped off at front office
Holidays Christmas Party –Last Day before holiday break –Gingerbread houses –Crafts –Games –Stocking stuffers instead of gifts
Accelerated Reading (AR) Read every day at school and home! Take an AR test at school every day! Each child will have an AR reading goal for each 9 weeks Status will be sent home each week on graded paper sheets
Reading Goal - Rewards Special rewards if goal is met per 9 weeks and for the entire year –Movie and popcorn party –Movie and Popcorn Party and extra playground time –McDonald’s at snack time
Contact Information School phone number: School web: Planning time: daily at 10:
Before You Leave Make sure paper on desk is completed –Make sure you know what bus your child will be riding –Let me know how your child will be getting home next week – write a note. Take home important papers Take home your goodie bag
Thanks for coming to Back to School Night. See you on Monday!