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Presentation transcript:

Contestant #1 I am a womanizer, have self-interested policies and unfortunately suffer from ailing health. Contestant #2 I have a drinking habit and a defiant tongue or attitude Contestant #3 I am a decorated war hero, do not drink and want to create a stable economy

Contestant #3 – Adolf Hitler (Germany) Contestant #2 - Winston Churchill (England) Contestant #1 Franklen D. Roosevelt (USA)

Treaty of Versailles Black Tuesday stock market crashes Great Depression during 1930s Increasing influence of new political parties that emphasize state control - For example: Communism, Nazism, Fascism Total Control of State by a Dictator

Government establishes complete control of all aspects of the state (political, military, economy, social, cultural) Government establishes complete control of all aspects of the state (political, military, economy, social, cultural) Highly nationalistic (flags, salutes, rallies, uniforms) Highly nationalistic (flags, salutes, rallies, uniforms) Strict controls and laws Strict controls and laws Military state (secret police, army, military) Military state (secret police, army, military) Censorship (opposing literature and ideas) Censorship (opposing literature and ideas) Propaganda (media – radio, newspapers, posters) Propaganda (media – radio, newspapers, posters) One leader (dictator); charismatic One leader (dictator); charismatic Total conformity of people to ideas and leader Total conformity of people to ideas and leader Terror and Fear Terror and Fear

Nazism FascismCommunism *These theories, specifically Communism and Fascism, are completely different theories that are bitterly opposed; however they exhibit the same behaviour Totalitarianism

I am Joseph Stalin, the leader of the Soviet Union from What is Communism? LEFT WING based on theory by Karl Marx revolutionary idea of a political, economic and social system that creates a “classless society” state ownership and control of the means of production (no private ownership) Soviet Communism or “Stalinism”, was more of a totalitarian and military state combined with elements of communism

I am Benito Mussolini the leader (Il Duce) of Italy from 1922 to What is Fascism? RIGHT WING intense nationalism and elitism totalitarian control interests of the state more important than individual rights maintain class system and private ownership Interesting Fact: Fascism name was derived from the fasces, an ancient Roman symbol of authority consisting of a bundle of rods and an ax

I am Adolf Hitler the leader (der Fuhrer) or dictator of Germany from 1933 to What is Nazism? extremely fascist, nationalistic and totalitarian based on beliefs of the National Socialist German Workers Party belief in the racial superiority of the Aryan, the “master race” belief that all Germans should have “lebensraum” or living space in Europe Violent hatred towards Jews and blamed Germany’s problems on them

GESTAPO: the Secret State Police GESTAPO: the Secret State Police SS (Schutzstaffel): Defense Corps “black shirts”, an elite guard unit formed out of the SA SA (Sturmabteilung): Stormtroopers "brown-shirts" were the Nazi army SA (Sturmabteilung): Stormtroopers "brown-shirts" were the Nazi army Wehrmacht: German army Wehrmacht: German army HJ (Hitler Jugend): Hitler Youth HJ (Hitler Jugend): Hitler Youth Einstazgruppen: Nazi Death Squad Einstazgruppen: Nazi Death Squad

This Nazi propaganda poster reads, ‘Behind the enemy powers: the Jew. “The Eternal Jew” Depiction of a Jew holding gold coins in one hand and a whip in the other. Under his arm is a map of the world, with the imprint of the hammer and sickle. Posters like this promoted a sharp rise in anti-Semitic feelings, and in some cases violence against the Jewish community.