Liberal Studies: Aspects 1. IDEA: a single, productive, & organising insight or proposal 2. THESIS: a clear, simple, & unique claim to Truth capable of falsification—i.e. meets the scientificity criterion 3. ARGUMENT: a formally-structured and properly- supported process of Reason to advance a claim to Truth
WRITING: H ARD -C OPY C OMMUNICATION Second Stage Use the material organised in the first stage to come up with a clear IDEA. Could be the: Main point Most interesting point (to you) Best point—i.e. you love it Worst point—i.e. you hate it. Write down the idea in a short sentence: Example: Powerpoint is the bane of presentations.”
WRITING: H ARD -C OPY C OMMUNICATION Second Stage (con‘t) Turn your IDEA sentence into a THESIS: clear, simple, specific, unique claim to Truth 1. Make your ‘idea sentence’ the first of the two parts of your thesis statement.) (all sentences have 2 parts: subject + predicate) “Powerpoint is the bane of presentations, because ………………………….” REMEMBER: a Clear Idea is necessary for effective communication.…and for your writing.
WRITING: H ARD -C OPY C OMMUNICATION Second Stage (con‘t) 2.] Create the second part of your THESIS STATEMENT by making your very specific claim to Truth, in one of the following sample forms: Problem: Solution Question: Answer General: Specific Appearance: Reality Observation:Importance Assertion:Reason
WRITING: H ARD -C OPY C OMMUNICATION Second Stage (con‘t) Example Thesis Statement: “PowerPoint is the bane of educational presentations, because it deforms content.” Thesis statement form is…. A SSERTION : R EASON
WRITING: H ARD -C OPY C OMMUNICATION Third Stage Now, structure your essay using the 5-¶ Model (subtitle: “The Three-Part Essay”) 1. Thesis paragraph (your thesis statement) 2. Three Development Paragraphs (or more, or fewer.…) 3. Summary paragraph Develop your thesis and only your Thesis: assume that your reader knows nothing about it
WRITING: H ARD -C OPY C OMMUNICATION Fourth, & Final, Stage REVISION: Go back over your essay and verify that each of the instruction points have been followed. Add quality: simplify, simplify, simplify remove anything superfluous make the grammar correct & syntax clear add footnotes