Converting Fractions to Decimals
Method 1: Long Division Write the fraction as a long division problem (numerator ÷ denominator) Add 2 decimal places to the dividend and put the decimal point in the answer Complete the long division as normal, up to 5 decimals places. If the answer is a repeating decimal then mark it in your answer.
How to Change Fractions to Percents Step 1 - Divide the denominator into the numerator. Stop! You can’t divide a larger number into a smaller number! 3 4
How to Change Fractions to Percents Step 1 - Divide the denominator into the numerator. Sure you can if you use decimals. Just watch! 3 4
How to Change Fractions to Percents Step 2 – Add a decimal behind your dividend and two zeros. Now does it look like you can divide? 3 4 4) 3 .00
How to Change Fractions to Percents Step 3 – Place a decimal in your quotient exactly above the decimal. Putting the decimal in the right spot is important. . 3 4 4) 3 .00
How to Change Fractions to Percents Step 4 – Divide exactly like you would with long division. . 7 5 Great job! 4) 3 .00 3 4 2 8 2 2
Method 2 Convert the fractions to an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 10 or 100. If you can’t create an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 10 or 100 then use Method 1: Long Division After you have a fraction out of 10 or 100, write it as a decimal
x2 6 10 5 3 = 0.6 = x2 x25 100 75 3 4 = = 0.75 x25
Mixed Numbers The whole number stays a whole number (to the left of the decimal point) and the fraction becomes a decimal. Ex. 15 ¾ = 15.75 4 1/8 = 4.125
You Try!!! .7 1.) 7/10 2.) 4 1/5 3.) 3/8 4.) 5 6/25 5.) 14/25 6.) 2 3/12 4.2 .375 5.24 2.25 .56