NECN Head and Neck TSSG
Meeting 4 th December 2008 SRH: enteral feeding experience over 4 years FRH: natural history of G tubes FRH and SRH: comparative audit over 2 years FRH and SRH: factors involved in tube dependency Multi-centre survey: 3 month period North East regional audit of gastrostomy services FRH and SRH: swallow outcomes
In patients receiving treatment for HNC Identify baseline data ▪ the nutritional support requirements ▪ swallowing impairment Study the practices of nutritional support provided in the region Identify nutritional and swallowing outcomes following treatment
Treatment of missing data No tube specified considered as oral intake No date for feeding tube removal considered as still in situ Disease free considered as so on 20/02/2011 Stomagastric tube included in the NG group 243 data points per person data points
Centre Patient numbers Period Primary sites Carlisle7 1/709 to 5/8/09Hypopharyx: 10 Larynx: 24 Nasopharynx: 4 Oral cavity: 27 Oropharynx: 45 Unknown primary: 4 No data :1 Middlesbrough262/6/09 to 25/8/09 Newcastle507/5/09 to 27/8/09 Sunderland32 5/6/09 to 17/9/09 N=115; summer 2009 Mean age: 61.7 years Range: 19 to 90 M:F= 80:35
CentreNOCOPNPLxHxUPPrimary sites Carlisle Hypopharyx: 10 Larynx: 24 Nasopharynx: 4 Oral cavity: 27 Oropharynx: 45 Unknown primary: 4 No data :1 Middlesbrough Newcastle Sunderland N=115; summer 2009
T stageNOCOPNPLxHxUPTotalsPrimary sites T Hypopharyx: 10 Larynx: 24 Nasopharynx: 4 Oral cavity: 27 Oropharynx: 45 Unknown primary: 4 No data :1 T T T4a T4b
BMI (n=107) Mean (± SD): 25.2 (±5.45) Grip strength (n=77) Only one patient had greater “strength” after the first attempt Mean (± SD): (± 11.13) Range: 7.3 to 51
Estimated energy requirements met PO (n=100) EERNPrimary sites 03Hypopharyx: 10 Larynx: 24 Nasopharynx: 4 Oral cavity: 27 Oropharynx: 45 Unknown primary: 4 No data :
PSSNormalcy of dietNPrimary sites 0Non-oral feeding3Hypopharyx: 10 Larynx: 24 Nasopharynx: 4 Oral cavity: 27 Oropharynx: 45 Unknown primary: 4 No data :1 10Cold liquids- 20Warm liquids- 30Pureed foods5 40Soft foods requiring no chewing 5 50Soft, chewable foods9 60Dry bread and crackers3 70Carrots, celery4 80All meats5 90Peanuts4 100Full diet61
Pre-treatment MD Anderson (n=90)
Weight loss range at 3 months:-12.7kg to 26.4 kg Time Patient numbers Mean weight (kg) Std Dev Primary sites Pre-treatment Hypopharyx: 10 Larynx: 24 Nasopharynx: 4 Oral cavity: 27 Oropharynx: 45 Unknown primary: 4 No data :1 3 months months months
Time Patient numbers Mean weight (kg) SEM (kg) Pre-treatment months months months Repeated measures ANOVA: p<0.003 Mauchly’s Sphericity: <0.05 F=7.089, df=3
Time Compared withMean weight difference (kg) SEM (kg) p value Pre-treatment3 months months months Bonferroni correction applied for pairwise comparisons
Time Pre- treatment 3 months6 months12 months N Median th percentile th percentile th percentile100 Friedman’s test: p=0.003 Wilcoxon rank test: Pre vs 3 months (p=0.004) and 3 months vs 12 months (p=0.024)
Time Patient numbers Mean grip strength SEM Pre-treatment months months months Repeated measures ANOVA: p<0.126 Mauchly’s Sphericity: <0.05 F=2.037, df=3
Time Compared withMean grip strengthSEMp value Pre-treatment3 months months months Bonferroni correction applied for pairwise comparisons
Time Pre- treatment 3 months6 months12 months N Median th percentile th percentile th percentile 100 Friedman’s test: p=0.04 Wilcoxon rank test: Pre vs 3 months (p=0.004). 3 months vs 12 months (p=0.003) and pre vs 6 months (p=0.022)
Item1st2nd3rd N Activity Anxiety Appearance Chewing Mood Pain Recreation Saliva Shoulder Speech Swallow Taste
Item1st2nd3rd N Activity1 00 Anxiety 023 Appearance 300 Chewing 151 Mood 026 Pain 723 Recreation 100 Saliva Shoulder 343 Speech 133 Swallow 1541 Taste 163
Item1st2nd3rd N Activity3 30 Anxiety 014 Appearance 200 Chewing 321 Mood 121 Pain 853 Recreation 001 Saliva 1138 Shoulder 322 Speech 143 Swallow 881 Taste 452
72 had enteral feeding, 43 did not Gastrostomy 28, 42 NG, 1 stomagastric Phase of treatment for enteral tube placement: adjuvant treatment 2 CRT43 Surgery16 RT only5
Feeding route CarlisleNewcastleM’boroS’landTotals G tube NG Oral Totals patient with stomagastric tube at FRH
Reasons for feeding tube placement (n=61): Poor swallow: 20 Prophylactic: 29 Treatment toxicity: 1 Post surgery: 15 Timing of placement (n=30): 12 before and 18 during
ReasonG tube N=28 NG tube N= 42 Long term enteral feeding predicted 141 Short term enteral feeding predicted 020 Patient preference20 MDT preference104 Medical116
Mean time to place tube from decision being made: 5.47 days (SEM 1.07) GroupNumberMean duration (days) SEMp value G tube NG tube
ET BeforeDuringAfterp value G tube800 NG tube3112 Second tube feed episode: 14 13 converted from NG to G tube
No treatment breaks Hospital stay Replacement tubes: G =1 to 3; NG = 1 to >15 GroupNumberMean stay (days) SEMp value G tube NG tube
TimeGroupNumberMean weight loss (kg) SEM (kg) p value 3 months ET Oral months ET Oral months ET Oral
TimeGroupNumberMean grip strength SEMp value 3 months ET Oral months ET Oral months ET Oral
TimeGroupNumberMean weight loss (kg) SEM (kg) p value 3 months G NG months G NG months G NG
TimeGroupNumberMean grip strength SEMp value 3 months G NG months G NG months G NG
Group stage ETNo ETTotalsp value I II9615 III11415 IV Totals
Group stage GNGTotalsp value I II189 III4711 IV Totals274269
Primary treatment ETOralTotalsp value Neoadjuvant chemo Chemoradiation38846 Surgery Radiation* Supportive care033 * Includes adjuvant RT
Crude survival: 74.03% Disease free survival: 76% Alive with disease: 7.7% N=104 Overall survival Disease free survival
P= 0.004
P= NG =reactive G = prophylactic
P= 0.898
Outcome G tubeNGNo tube Died of disease7410 Disease free Tube free Disease free Tube in situ 2 (incomplete data?) 4 Tube duration (mean days)
Disease free patientsMean swallow capacity Pre-treatment months months months patients completed all 4 time points Patients alive & disease free: Significant deterioration pre to 3 months post-tx (N=36) Trend for improvement from 3 to 12 months (N=30)
Factors entered into the model: baseline WST measure Comorbidity, age, gender Tumour site & stage Treatment type Baseline WST & comorbidity score strong predictor of 12 month WST (R 2 =0.65)
Selected CRT patients (N=49) prophylactic g-tube compared to no prophylactic g-tube No sig difference for baseline characteristics of site, stage, age, co-morbidity Higher number of males with g-tube than females (59% vs 23%) Comparison for WST limited to males*
NProphylactic g tube Swallow capacity (SD) NNo Prophylactic g tube Swallow capacity (SD) Pre-tx1218.2(10.5)1413.4(3.5) 3 m1711.9(9.1)88.6(6.8) 6 m1316.3(7.4)711.1(8.7) 12 m1219.5(8.1)910.9(7.0)* *p<0.05
Disease free patientsMean MDADI Pre-treatment86.7 (21.3) 3 months73.1(19.5) 6 months75.1(20.1) 12 months77.8(19.3) 25 patients completed all 4 time points Significant deterioration from pre to 3 months No change from 3 to 12 months (note large std deviation) Scale ranges from High score=better outcome
Factors entered into the model: baseline MDADI score Comorbidity, age, gender Tumour site & stage Treatment type Disease stage strongest predictor of 12 month MDADI (R 2 =0.35)
NProphylactic g tube (SD)NNo Prophylactic g tube (SD) Pre-tx2471.3(31.9)2568.6(32.4) 3 m1862.4(21.5)1465.6(16.7) 6 m1265.3(16.6)557.1(36.9) 12 m1564.1(17.8)1566.4(13.1) Chemoradiotherapy patients Mean MDADI scores (range , high = better outcome)
Disease free patientsMean PSS Pre-treatment87.6(18.1) 3 months71.1(32.0) 6 months76.3(30.6) 12 months79.6(27.5) 27 patients completed all 4 time points Significant deterioration from pre to 3 months Significant improvement from 3 to 12 months Scale ranges high score = better function
Factors entered into the model: baseline PSS score Comorbidity, age, gender Tumour site & stage Treatment type Disease stage strongest predictor of 12 month PSS (R 2 =0.32)
NProphylactic g tube (SD)NNo Prophylactic g tube (SD) Pre-tx1981.6(31.1)2377.6(27.8) 3 m1440.0(34.4)1065.0(34.4) 6 m1159.1(32.7)951.1(28.9) 12 m1460.7(33.2)1670.6(22.9) Chemoradiotherapy patients Mean PSS scores
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