Catch the wave of EXCELLENCE...
Who Is the Blue Team?
WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE A 7 th GRADER? MORE independence. MORE responsibility. MORE homework, projects, tests, etc. MORE student-teacher communication.
BLUE TEAM MISSION Students will learn to work collaboratively with their peers, respect the ideas of others, and consistently put forth their best effort in all classes.
BLUE TEAM VISION Students will become more responsible for their education and take an active approach to learning.
CORE SKILLS Time Management Study Skills Organization Reading Comprehension
GENERAL SUPPLY LIST 3 – Ring notebook with dividers Loose leaf paper Pencils (we encourage lead pencils), pens, and erasers Appropriate free reading material (At all times, in all classes!) Set of colored pencils Highlighters Textbook covers Clear sheet protectors Assignment book (supplied by Arcola) Flash drive Index Cards (2 packs) Post-it notes
SUBJECT SPECIFIC SUPPLIES MATH Spiral Notebook ENGLISH Pocket Folder Bound Marble Notebook (wide- ruled) SCIENCE/HISTORY Pocket Folder ½ inch 3-ring binder OR section in large team binder READING Composition Book and/or spiral notebook
Donations of tissues, hand sanitizer, and cleaning wipes are GREATLY appreciated!!
BLUE TEAM SCHEDULE Periods 1 – 4 : Core Classes Lunch: 11:27 – 11:57 Period 5: Expressive Arts Period 6: Core Class Period 7: Health/PE Period 8: Homeroom
PARENT COMMUNICATION The Seventh Grade counselor is Mr. Mueller Blue Team is available for parent conferences during period 5 (12:00 – 12:40). Parents are reminded to check the Parent Portal regularly as well as the Blue Team website (Look under the TEAM PAGES link on Arcola’s homepage). The most efficient method of communication with team teachers is . Marking Period Newsletter.
REMIND 101 Send text message to (224) with the Regular text messaging rates apply. For , send an to: com leaving the subject line blank. com
INCENTIVE PROGRAMS Honor Roll –Distinguished –Meritorious Highest Average (in each subject area from each section) Most Improved Student Team Awards “Terrific Tickets”
INCENTIVE PROGRAM Semester Reward Trips –Bowling –Aquatic Adventure All students are eligible as long as they meet the following criteria: 80% homework completion in each individual core subject No administrative suspension (detention, ISS, OSS) Fewer than 4 team issued disciplinary lunch detentions (dress, behavior, handbook violation, etc.)
“Working Lunch” Lunch Detentions –5 Missing or incomplete homework assignments –Team related discipline issues 1 lunch detention = parent phone call –(5 missed team assignments) 2 lunch detentions = contact guidance –(10 missed team assignments) 3 lunch detentions = administrative action –(15 missed team assignments)
“D” DAY PROCEDURES “D” Day is dedicated to a school-wide character program called “One Book One School”.
BUDGET ? Christmas Carol ($20 - $25) Zoo Trip ($15 - $20) Bowling ($10 - $15) Aquatic Adventure ($5 - $10) Class Trip – Mermaid Lake ($15 - $20)
WARNING !!!! Summer reading books should be nearly finished or finished at this time. All AR tests need to be done by Friday, September 6th!!!!!
ANNOUNCEMENTS First Day of School – Bring your backpack!! Colored handouts from the Blue Team packets are due back by Friday, September 13 th. Emergency cards and the signed handbook page is due by Friday, September 6 th. Picture Day is Friday, September 6 th.
HOMEWORK Bring in a photograph of yourself on the first day of school!
"The objective of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives." Robert Maynard Hutchins