Structured / Unstructured Market Trials Weekly Update – Friday Meeting August 30, 2013
Call Reminders Please help to minimize disruptions: Mute your phones Do not dial-in from a recorded line Do not put the call on hold, even if you are on mute When asking a question on the phone, please state your name and the entity you represent 2
Agenda TCR / ECT Update (5 min) 9:00-9:05A Analysis Aug 19 – Aug 25 (40 min) 9:05-9:45A Settlements (15 min) 9:45-10:00A Announcements & Outstanding Questions (10 min) 10:00-10:10A Look-Ahead Aug 26 – Sept 2 (15 min) 10:10-10:25A Updates (10 min) 10:25-10:35A Release Scorecard Migration Report Known Issues Log Questions (5 min) 10:35-10:40A 3
TCR Market Trials Submit Your Historical Peak Load Who: Only those MPs with NITS Service What: Historical Peak Loads (Load + Transmission Losses) for 2010, 2011 & 2012 for the historical coincident peak load for your system. Why: Validation purposes to compare against what we pull from settled EIS transmission settlements. When: by September 18, 2013 ARR Level 3 Training: August 27, September 4 4 Brett Crane
Phase 2 Monthly Processes Good Participation is Requested/Expected Allocation Nominations: Auction Bids/Offers : 5 September September 9 September 16-17, August TCR Market Trials Brett Crane
Extended Connectivity Testing 6 Brett Crane ECT Test Execution (occurs between 8/5 and 8/30): MPs have been assigned a week during test execution time frame to perform their testing. Weekly Execution Assignments Tests are performed independently during the assigned week. No appointment is necessary. Issues with test execution handled via RMS.RMS Metrics updated as of Wednesday 8/14 at 12:00pm CPT iDashboard – Market Trials Connectivity External Dashboard
Extended Connectivity Testing 7 Test Execution: Brett Crane Test Execution WeekMarket Participant Week #1: August 5th - August 9th APX, Inc (PASS) DC Energy Midwest, LLC (PASS) DTE Energy Trading Inc (PASS) Entegra Power Services (PASS) JP MORGAN VENTURES ENERGY CORP (PASS) MONTEREY SW, LLC (PASS) MONTEREY SWF, LLC (PASS) BJ Energy, LLC (PASS) Franklin Power, LLC (PASS) Week #2: August 12th - August 16th Vitol, Inc. (PASS) Sustaining Power Solutions (PASS) APEX (PASS) BLUE CANYON 5 (PASS) BUFFALO DUNES WIND PROJECT (PASS) Active Power Investments, LLC (PASS) ETC ENDURE ENERGY LLC City of Fremont Merrill Lynch Commodities, Inc. TWIN EAGLE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, LLC
Analysis: August 19 – August 25 9 Alan Adams Structured Market Trials Statistics posted the day after each OD Structured Market Trials Statistics > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Structured/Unstructured Test > Integrated Marketplace Market Trials Project Documentation Folder > Structured Market Trials Presentations, Statistics, MP Meetings Analysis of Aug 20, 21 and 22 Operating Days posted Tues to Analysis > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Structured/Unstructured Test > Integrated Marketplace Market Trials Project Documentation Folder > Structured Market Trials Presentations, Statistics, MP Meetings
Market Settlements Outstanding Questions 10 Question: After the release is installed would there be a place in the MUI to register Bilateral Notifications? There’s a place to register other settlement notifications but not for Bilateral. Answer: BSS notifications are “private” notifications. Therefore, there is not a BSS specific notification registration in the Portal. When MP’s register for the general notification service they have registered for BSS notifications as well. Tony Alexander
Market Settlements Progress 11 Initial Settlements for ODs Aug 5 thru 22 are posted. Final Settlements for ODs Aug 5 thru 15 are posted. Weekly Invoice for 8-29 is posted. The Aug 12 Final Settlement was due to post by end of day, Monday, Aug 26, it was posted at 11:00 AM, Tuesday, Aug 27. This delay was due to a data extraction issue. Will not impact subsequent runs and postings. Tony Alexander
Settlements Scorecard Delay 12 Settlements Charge Type Scorecard posted August 28. Settlements Charge Type Scorecard Tony Alexander
Settlements BSS and Meter Data Submission 13 CWG follow up. Issue: Market Participants would prefer to use their own BSS and Meter Data submissions in Settlements. Some MPs have express an interest in using MP and MA submitted data only. Other MPs have express an interest in using SPP data to create as many Charge Types and Scenarios as possible. SPP is proposing splitting each week in September into structured and unstructured days. Structured Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Unstructured Days: Friday through Monday Tony Alexander
Settlements Meter Data Submission Solution 14 Beginning with September 1 OD MAs can submit their own data every day (MAs are not required to submit SPP provided data). SPP will continue to provide data every day through September 30 for MAs who prefer to submit SPP data. On Tuesday through Thursday Operating Days SPP will produce settlement results using only SPP provided data. On Friday through Monday Operating Days SPP will produce settlement results using only MA submitted data. This approach will continue through September 30. Beginning with October 1 OD MAs will submit their own data every day and SPP will produce all settlement results using only MA submitted data. Tony Alexander
Settlements Meter Data Submission 15 Additional considerations: If MAs are not submitting meter data according to set point there will be high amounts of deviation charges and credits. If MAs are not balancing Settlement Area generation, interchange, and load there will be high amounts of calibration. Settlements needs to continue to run on OD+2 until the settlement systems are able to operate according to the OD+4 timeline. Meter Data submitted after OD+1 may not be included on the Initial Settlement. Meter Data submitted after OD+1 will be included on Final Settlements Tony Alexander
Announcements & Outstanding Questions Short-Term and Day-Ahead Aggregate Wind Forecast will be available later today for download on the Integrated Marketplace Portal. Commitment Parameters Presentation next Friday Sept 6 In the MOS 1.5 release, mock schedule data has been added to allow participants to test the Day-Ahead Cleared Transactions methods. This test data is available in the Markets UI as well as in the API (GetEnergyClearedTransactionSetByDay). Day Ahead Tags need to be entered before 9:00 AM if possible to be picked up for the Day Ahead Solution. If Day Ahead Tags are entered after 9:00 AM, please call the Hotline so SPP can contact OATI for approval. 16 Leann Poteet
Setting Known Issue Log (KIL) Priorities Defects / items previously scoped by members that have yet to be delivered are on the KIL MPs can continue to send requests for KIL changes via RMS Defect requests reviewed internally by SPP’s defect team Requests deemed to be defects will be added to the prioritization list Enhancement requests reviewed internally by SPP’s PMO Enhancements will be presented to MPs for feedback at the direction of the PMO / the CWG 17 Leann Poteet
Look-Ahead: August 26 – Sept 1 18 Sept 2 – Sept 8 Daily Calendar Sept 2 – Sept 8 > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Structured/Unstructured Test > Integrated Marketplace Market Trials Project Documentation Folder Includes some Settlements Dates. All details on Settlements Calendar > Public > Settlements > CalendarsSettlements Calendar Scheduled Scenarios 5.1 – DA Capacity Shortage 5.2 – RUC Capacity Shortage Unstructured Test Days: Tues Sept 3 & Fri Sept 6 4 Official Operating Days Tues Sept 3, Wed Sept 4, Thurs Sept 5, Fri Sept 6 Friday Maintenance Saturday reserved for MP Testing Leann Poteet
19.0 RTBM Emergency Logic *Scenario 19 to be executed the week of Sept 9 Scenario Description There is a capacity surplus on a system-wide basis calculated as the sum of Self- Committed capacity at minimum output, fixed Import Interchange Transactions and the Regulation-Down requirement that is in excess of the sum of Short Term Load Forecast and fixed Export Interchange Transaction. There is a capacity shortage on a system-wide basis calculated as the sum of Self- Committed capacity at maximum output, fixed Import Interchange Transactions and the Regulation-Up and Contingency Reserves requirements that are in shortage of the sum of Short Term Load Forecast and fixed Export Interchange Transaction. The RTBM Operator manually specifies the emergency condition as an input into RTBM. Submit an RMS Ticket labeled “Scenario 19” indicating what resources will have different limits for use by RTBM in this Scenario by Sept 6 19 Alan Adams
22.0 Manual and ID RUC Commitment *Scenario 22 to be executed the week of Sept 9 Scenario Description RUC process will change the commitment period of a resource already committed in the COP either by starting the resource earlier or running the resource for additional hours. For this Scenario to work, the Resources have to be online and generating. If they are not online and generating, they are not eligible for the MWP. The following conditions will be simulated: RTBM extension of DA Market Commitment by SPP RUC Operator RTBM extension of DA Market Commitment by MP This Scenario does not apply to NDVERS and VERS with SPP provided forecast Submit an RMS Ticket labeled “Scenario 22” indicating what resources will be used in this Scenario by Sept 6 Should include the hours that the selected Resource plans to be running in the EIS Market. If possible, select a Resource that will be online all 24 hours. 20 Alan Adams
5.1 Day Ahead Capacity Shortage Scenario Description The sum of Fixed Demand Bids and Fixed Export Interchange Transactions are greater than the Available generation capacity and Fixed Import Interchange Transactions leading to a Generation Shortage Condition. Expected Result If the sum of Available Capacity at Economic Maximum output,and Fixed Import Interchange Transaction is less than the sum of the SPP system-wide Bid in Demand and Fixed Export Interchange Transactions, the DA Market SCUC algorithm study will, in priority order: 1. Curtail non-firm Fixed Export Interchange Transaction Bids. All Non-Firm Fixed Interchange Transactions should be curtailed. 2. Incorporate capacity up to Resources’ Max Emergency Capacity Operating Limit and/or commit Resources with a Commit Status of Reliability on an economic basis while attempting to maintain the Regulation Up requirement to the extent possible If the DA Market is still short after the above actions, the DA Market will 1)reduce the clearing of up Operating Reserve Products and then if necessary 2) prorata curtail fixed bid-in demand and firm export transactions. 21 Alan Adams
5.1 Day Ahead Capacity Shortage Market Participant Activities *Applicable to MPs with Resources Submit some Resources with a commitment status of “Reliability.” If the Emergency Condition still exists once all Non-Firm Exports have been curtailed, Reliability Resources will be deployed on an economic basis to provide more generation. Make sure all Reliability units have met their Min Down Time and are offline in the EIS Market. Submit some offers where the Resource’s Emergency Maximum Limit is greater than the Economic Maximum Limit. Once all NonFirm Exports have been curtailed, in conjunction with turning on Reliability Resources, Emergency Limits will be released. To verify that the Emergency Limits are being utilized and Resources are being dispatched over its EcoMax, the Emergency Maximum Limit must be greater than the Economic Maximum Limit. *Applicable to MPs with Loads Submit fixed Demand Bids >= 120% of historical Peak Hourly Profiled submission of the historical Peak Day but shifted up 20% higher. 22 Alan Adams
5.1 Day Ahead Capacity Shortage Market Participant Activities *Applicable to all MPs Submit Firm Fixed Export Interchange Transactions –In a capacity shortage, the first step to alleviate the shortage is to curtail NonFirm Exports. MPs are to submit Firm Exports to ensure Firm transactions are not being curtailied. Submit 50 MWs of Non-Firm Fixed Export Interchange Transactions –In a Capacity Shortage, the first step to alleviate the shortage is to curtail NonFirm Exports, MPs are to submit NonFirm Exports to ensure NonFirm transactions are being curtailed MPs should ensure they receive the indication of Capacity Shortage notification via the MUI. The MUI notification will be located on the Market tab under Date ->General -> Message. 23 Alan Adams
5.2 RUC Capacity Shortage Scenario Description The sum of Mid-Term Load Forecast and Fixed Export Interchange Transactions are greater than the online generation capacity and Fixed Import Interchange Transactions leading to a Generation Shortage Condition. Expected Result If the sum of Self-Committed capacity at maximum output, and Fixed Import Interchange Transaction is less than the sum of the SPP system-wide Mid-Term Load Forecast and Fixed Export Interchange Transactions, the RUC SCUC algorithm study will, in priority order: 1. Curtail non-firm Fixed Export Interchange Transaction Bids. All Non-Firm Fixed Interchange Transactions should be curtailed. 2. Incorporate capacity up to Resources’ Max Emergency Capacity Operating Limit and/or commit Resources with a Commit Status of Reliability on an economic basis while attempting to maintain the Regulation Up requirement to the extent possible A notification via the MUI/API will be sent no later than 20:00 to MPs notifying them of this potential capacity shortage. This notification will identify the hours of the expected Capacity Shortage and potential steps to eliminate the problem. 24 Alan Adams
5.2 RUC Capacity Shortage Market Participant Activities *Applicable to MPs with Resources Submit some Resources with a commitment status of “Reliability.” –If the Emergency Condition still exists once all NonFirm Exports have been curtailed, Reliability Resources will be deployed on an economic basis to provide more generation. Make sure all Reliability units have met their Min Down Time and are offline in the EIS Market. Submit some offers where the Resource’s Emergency Maximum Limit is greater than the Economic Maximum Limit. –Once all NonFirm Exports have been curtailed, in conjunction with turning on Reliability Resources, Emergency Limits will be released. To verify that the Emergency Limits are being utilized and Resources are being dispatched over its EcoMax, the Emergency Maximum Limit must be greater than the Economic Maximum Limit. 25 Alan Adams
5.2 RUC Capacity Shortage Market Participant Activities *Applicable to all MPs Submit Firm Fixed Export Interchange Transactions –In a capacity shortage, the first stp to alleviate the shortage is to curtail NonFirm Exports. MPs are to submit Firm Exports to ensure Firm transactions are not being curtailied. Submit 50 MWs of Non-Firm Fixed Export Interchange Transactions –In a Capacity Shortage, the first step to alleviate the shortage is to curtail NonFirm Exports, MPs are to submit NonFirm Exports to ensure NonFirm transactions are being curtailed MPs with Resources and Loads should ensure that the sum of the EcoMax of the committable-Resources and Firm and Non-Firm Import Interchange Transactions is less than the sum of the Mid-Term Load Forecast and their Firm and Non-Firm Export Interchange Transactions MPs should ensure they receive the Potential Capacity Shortage notification via the MUI/API. The MUI notification will be located on the Market tab under Date ->General -> Message. 26 Alan Adams
Release Scorecard 27 Release ScorecardRelease Scorecard posted to > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Structured/Unstructured Test > Integrated Marketplace Market Trials Project Documentation Folder Leann Poteet
Migration and Maintenance Report 28 Migration and Maintenance Report Migration and Maintenance Report posted to > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Structured/Unstructured Test > Integrated Marketplace Market Trials Project Documentation Folder MT Tagged Transactions MT Tagged Transactions documentation posted to > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Structured/Unstructured Test > Integrated Marketplace Market Trials Project Documentation Folder > Structured Market Trials Reference Documents Wendy Reynolds
Known Issues Log 29 Market Trials Known Issues Log Market Trials Known Issues Log posted to > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Structured/Unstructured Test > Integrated Marketplace Market Trials Project Documentation Folder Leann Poteet Issue #RMS #Issue TypeSynopsis Markets API On submission of PostEnergyMitigatedResourceOfferSet without Hourly information, the Market system returns an internal system error. Hourly information is optional and should not be required for this submission. 668Markets UI The UI should show Energy Offer > Parameters (Hourly) for EDRs not qualified to provide Energy. This is crucial for the regulation limits submission of EDRs not associated with DC ties. Currently, EDRs not qualified to provide Energy, but qualified to provide Regulation are unable to update their Min/Max Regulation Limits because the Energy Offer > Parameters (Hourly) page is not available to units not qualfied to provide Energy. The Parameters (Hourly) display should only display those parameters that may be submitted/updated by an EDR. 664Markets UI GetEnergy* API operations (excluding the EDR and ByDay methods) return marshalling errors indicating missing or incomplete data when input request includes resources not qualfied to provide Energy (i.e. EDRs). Scenario: When a resource name in the request is not qualified to provide Energy in the Markets system, an error is returned indicating missing data. Expected behavior: The operation should return an empty result set instead of returning an error
Known Issues Log 30 Leann Poteet Issue #RMS TicketIssue TypeSynopsis Markets API The GetEnergyEDRResourceOfferSetByDay return marshalling error stating "EDRResourceOfferSet is not complete" in the following scenario. Scenario: When GetEnergyEDRResourceOfferSetByDay is executed, the Markets code retrieves all resources associated with the Asset Owner not just the EDRs which results in an error. Expected behavior: The operation should only return EDRs in the results. Any non-EDRs associated with the Asset Owner should be excluded from the results or should return a null value for those resources instead returning of an error Markets API All GetReserve* API operations return marshalling errors indicating missing or incomplete data when resources are not qualfied to provide any Operating Reserve products. 1) GetReserve* operations (not by day) Scenario: When a resource name in the request is not qualified to provide Operating Reserves in the Markets system, an error is returned. Expected behavior: The operation should return an empty result set instead of returning an error. 2) GetReserve* operations (ByDay) Scenario: When ALL resources associated with the Asset Owner are not qualified to provide Operating Reserves in the Markets system, an error is returned. Expected behavior: The operation should return an empty result set instead of returning an error.
Scheduled Scenarios 31 Sept 2 – Sept – DA Capacity Shortage 5.2 – RUC Capacity Shortage Sept 9 – Sept – Manual and ID RUC Commitment 19 – Emergency Logic 8 – DA Scarcity Pricing Leann Poteet
Market Trials Useful Resources SMT Hotline: for critical & high issues Mon-Fri 8A – 5P Please submit all other inquiries via the Request Management System (RMS)Request Management System (RMS) Settlements Calendar > Public > Settlements > Calendars Integrated Marketplace Market Trials Project Documentation Folder > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Structured/Unstructured Test > Integrated Marketplace Market Trials Project Documentation Folder Documents found here include: Daily Calendar, Release Scorecard, Migration Report, Known Issues Log, Market Participant Guidehere SMT Presentations, Statistics, MP Meetings Folder SMT Reference Documents Folder SMT Scenarios Folder Change Tracker > Integrated Marketplace > Marketplace Documents 32