CaTS and Dual Readout
CaTS – Calorimeter and Tracker Simulation Describe detector in gdml file (xml like) Define sensitive detector types –TrackerSD(Hit) –CalorimeterSD(Hit) –DRCalorimeterSD(Hit) (Calorimeter + counts produced Cerenkov photons) –StoppingCalorimeterSD (kills particle after registering total energy) –PhotonSD(Hit): sensitive detector that registers optical photons.
CaTS - Output uses Root reflexion (gccxml) to automatically create dictionaries for all Hit classes to make the Hits persistent and stores the result in a ROOT file. Analysis Module allows output of more specific data that is not contained in the Hits class (generation process, particle types) Hits Class contains SD Type, Location + detector specific data
Tiled Sampling Detector 1.01m x 1.01m, 1 cm square tiles 1.5 m total absorber width (brass) Separate runs with different absorber –25 mm, 50 mm and 75 mm per layer. –Total absorber kept constant. Each layer detectors: –7 mm quartz & 5 mm scintillator. Count only Cerenkov photons and ionization
Procedure Protons only at fixed energy. Measure energy content, and size of the shower where Cherenkov is used to tag the energy deposition. Measure resolution of shower with the reduced shower radius.
Std Dev/Mean vs Energy Varied Absorber Thickness Whole Detector 20cm x 20 cm window All Scintillation Scintillation Tagged w/ Cerenkov 50 mm 25 mm 75 mm
Ring Definition Test Beam Axis Ring 0 Ring 1 Ring 2 etc…
Percentage of Energy per Ring Different Abs Thick 50 mm 25 mm 75 mm
Percentage of Energy per Ring Different Energies
Conclusions and Plans With Cherenkov tagging effective radius of shower is significantly reduced. Move to actual HE configuration. Study flow inside the calorimeter. Overlapping particles.