Overview of Western’s Renewable Resource Program Randy Manion Renewable Resource Program Manager
Presentation Goals Overview of Western Area Power Administration Overview Western’s Renewable Resource Program Highlight a of Few Renewable Resource Program Accomplishments Useful Tools and Resources Questions and Answers
Western’s service area Western marketing areas and offices 3
Wholesale power services Markets 10,479 MW from 57 Federal hydropower projects owned by BOR, Corps, and IB&WC 17,100 miles of high-voltage transmission line across 15 states 4
Bulk wholesale transmission 17,060 miles of high-voltage transmission lines in 11 states Bulk, wholesale transmission
Renewable Resource Program Facilitate the voluntary use of renewable resources among firm power customers Use regional and national collaboration and partnerships to accomplish program goals
A Few Program Accomplishments California Energy Commission PIER Hetch Hetchy Project Utility Geothermal Working Group Renewable Resources for Federal Agencies Program Wind Anemometer Loan Partnership with NREL Publications and Guidebooks 17+ Prefeasibility Studies Coordinated NPPD Deliberative Poll ™
CEC PIER Hetch Hetchy Project
Utility Geothermal Working Group
Project initiated by Fort Carson 2 MW, 3200 MWh first year (~2% of load) Fixed energy rate 17-year contract, with three-year option (using Western) No-cost, 20-year lease RECs sold to Xcel Energy (20-year contract) Operational 2007 Fort Carson PV Project 12
Initiated by DOE & NREL Four separate: – solar projects – 20-year PPAs with Sun Edison – 20-year easements RECs sold to Xcel Energy for RPS solar set-aside (20-year contract) PPA price equal to or less than utility electricity prices (based on EIA projections) Operational December 2008 DOE/NREL PV Project 13
Wind Anemometer Loan Program
Publications and Guidebooks
Pre-Feasibility Studies
NPPD Deliberative Poll ™
Office of Indian Energy TA Process
DOE State & Local Technical Assistance
Tribal Clean Energy Webinar Series
Proposed 2016 Tribal Webinar Series
LBNL Home Energy Saver
NREL Models and Tools
APPA DEED Program mNumber=37529
LBNL Electricity Markets and Policy
Western’s Energy Services Program News and Information IRP Resources Equipment Loan Program Sponsorships
Western’s Energy Services Contacts CRSP - Steve Mullen, Ph SNR - Sandee Peebles, Ph RMR - Annette Meredith, Ph DSW - Audrey Colletti, Ph UGPR - Georganne Myers, Ph ELP - Gary Hoffmann Ph CSO - Ron Horstman Ph
Western’s Transmission Infrastructure Program $3.25 billion borrowing authority Advance renewable energy development 29
Western’s Renewable Resource Program Contact Randy Manion ewables.aspx
Closing Thoughts…. Partnerships, partnerships, and partnerships – Federal – State – Regional – Local Find and leverage the money Take advantage of online resources Call me if you have questions