WELCOME ! MEET AND GREET NIGHT Immanuel Lutheran School March 19 and 20, 2015
MR. PALKEWICK PRINCIPAL Opening prayer Heavenly Father, we give you thanks for bringing us here safely this evening as we gather to hear about the next year at Immanuel. We thank you for a wonderful group of teachers and supportive church members who have helped Immanuel Lutheran School provide a caring, Christian education for over 130 years. We ask that you continue to provide all of our families an opportunity to be in a school in which we can freely share your love while receiving a quality education. Please be with us as we move into the next school year and beyond. -AMEN
TUITION FOR Pre-Kindergarten Full Day 3 & 4 year old programs$6,194 Half Day 5 days: 4 year olds (8:30am-12:30pm)$4,303 Half Day 5 days: 3 & 4 year old (8:30am-11:30am)$3,803 Half Day 3 days: 3 year old (M/W/F)$3,319 Half Day 2 days: 3 year old (TU/TH)$2,212 Kindergarten – 8 th Grade Full Day per child K-8$6,194 Student Fees Student Activity Fee:(75%-PTL, 25%-technology)$100/student Volunteer Surcharge:Full Day (Refundable after 50 hrs. of volunteer service)$200/student Half Day (Refundable after 25 hrs. of volunteer service)$100/student
TUITION ASSISTANCE Students that have been continuously enrolled in K-8 for the school year and earlier remain on their current discount programs. Any other student enrolling in Full Day PK-8 will participate in the Longevity Credit program and will receive $100 off tuition for every year enrolled at ILS. Referring someone to our school can earn you cash incentives. Any child that is referred by you and enrolls in K-8 will earn you $200. Tuition assistance is available to families in need. Applications must be received by April 30. Immanuel participates in the CT Care 4 Kids program. This provides financial support for PreK, K, and Extended Care. Church support helps keep the tuition costs at a minimum.
WHY THE CHANGE? Ties in with VisionPath recommendations Reflects commitment to outreach through our school Community we serve has changed
WHAT IT MEANS Clarifies our top priority of building up CHRISTIAN citizens Better reflects the make-up of our student/family population Allows us to better market ourselves to the Danbury community
FAMILY LIFE CENTER Phase 1 construction begins: June Goal for Phase 1 completion: September 2015 Phase 1: Basic steel structure with bathrooms and utilities Phase 2: Build through fundraising
BOARD OF CHRISTIAN DAY SCHOOL “School Board” You are welcome to attend any meeting. 3 rd Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm Board membership expanding to include 2 parents to serve as ex- officio members A few words from the BCDS….
TEACHER TIME! A little bit about me What do we learn in this grade? By the end of the year, your child will know….. We do a lot of fun things!
THANK YOU FOR JOINING US! Before you leave, don’t forget to: Reserve your seats for the PTL Dinner Dance and Auction Stop by the lobby for some refreshments courtesy of the PTL and Cub Café Pick up registration material for Camp Immanuel and VBS June 22nd - August 7th