Hadith Session 5B Ramzan Shahid
Saying of Hadrat Abu Bakr (R) Body’s Zakat ◦ To serve others with your physical body ◦ To make other’s misfortune one’s own (remove someone else’s difficulty by taking it off their back and put it on your back)
Serving Others?? We should never allow anyone to serve us We should never looked to be served We let our mom serve us dinner, we should be serving her instead Serve our parents, if not serve them at least don’t give them more problems or headaches
Serving Others?? We have a weekend that we relax on We want to be served on the weekend since I worked so hard all week We want to be served nice food, served by entertainment, served by something new – a new game to play, a new movie to watch, a new food to try We go out to eat on weekends
Serving Others?? At a restaurant, we are provided a server who takes our order We comment on how was the service. Oh the service was bad, so we don’t give a tip Every store has a customer service department to make sure you we are served properly
Serving Others?? What is the newest product that can serve me What is the newest way I can serve myself, my pleasure, my nafs We go on vacation to be served We stay in hotel and order room service On vacation we want to be served
Serving Others?? This consumer society always focuses on how was the service that you got How can we serve you better (store, oil change, customer service rep on phone, restaurant) How can we make your experience more pleasurable
Serving Others?? It’s all about serving ourselves How can I serve myself How can I get someone to do something for me How can I the next I-phone because it as so much better service(apps), more options and ways I can serve my pleasures (nafs)
Serving Others?? It’s all about me I have to do this I have to go there I have to meet with that person I’m so awesome We are too busy serving ourselves!!!!
Serving Others Serving Allah’s creation is a means by which you serve Allah It is only thru service that one becomes a servant When you serve others that is how you become a true servant of Allah Being a Muslim is not about ourselves, it’s about others and how you served others
Serving Others Benefits of serving others? How does it help us? Serving others teaches us humility and humbleness We lower ourselves when serving others It takes pride out of our hearts
Serving Others We should see a Muslim waiting at the bus stop and give them a ride to where they’re going If you give a ride to a fellow Muslim today, maybe Allah will give you a lift tomorrow (on the Day of Judgement) Maybe that person will make dua for you that will actually be accepted since your own dua is not worthy of being accepted
Serving Others Instead we just drive by because we’re in such a rush to be served We have to be at the next place where I will be served I’m going to Best Buy where some will serve me and figure out why my I-phone is not working properly, then I have to meet my friend at a restaurant so we can be served dinner.
Serving Others Balance of serving Allah and serving people Cannot skip prayer because mowing neighbor’s yard Cannot always be in prayer that you never serve/help anyone
Serving Others Examples/ideas on how we can serve others
Serving Others Serving our parents, our families, our relatives Serving our neighbors Serving our masjid Serving our community Serving our school Serving your MSA Serving the poor
Serving Others Get involved with all of these activities Take on more responsibility Become a leader in these activities Be the one cleaning the washroom in the masjid after a fund raising dinner (instead wanting to be the Master of Ceremony) Be the one shoveling the snow before Jummah so others can walk easily into the Masjid
Serving Others Learn how to serve others!!! Stop serving only yourself!!!