Serving God in our Relationships.


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Presentation transcript:

Serving God in our Relationships

Serving God by Serving Others Serving others is important to our service to God! If we are not serving others, we are not serving the Lord as we should! Acts 9:4 Matthew 25:34-40 Luke 16:19-26 Serving God by Serving Others

Serving God by Serving Others John 13:12-16 If we love God and our neighbor, we will serve! Love= ACTION! Focused on others If we believe in God, we will serve! James 2:14-17 Serving God by Serving Others

Do I focus more on myself, or on trying to find ways of serving others? Do I have time to serve others? Do I really love God and my neighbor? Do I really believe in God? Questions we must ask…

Is there someone you are neglecting to serve? Are there any relationships that you have that will keep you from heaven? Your relationship w/: Your spouse? Your parents? Your brothers or sisters? Your brothers or sisters in Christ? Your coworkers? The lost? Is there someone you are neglecting to serve? Questions we must ask…

In what ways can I serve others?