Points, Segments, Lines, Angles, and Planes C.1.2.1 : Identify, describe and/or label parallel, perpendicular or intersecting lines. C.1.2.2 :Identify, draw and/or label points, planes, lines, line segments ,rays, angles, and vertices.
Essential Questions What are the characteristics of points, lines, line segments, rays, and planes? Where can we find examples of these in daily life? How can we use this information in daily life?
Point A point is like a dot, and is named by one letter. M Tip of a pencil M
Line A line is an infinite set of points that expand in both directions. n A B Pretend this line of cars will go on forever.
Line Segment A line segment is part of a line, defined by two endpoints. C D
Ray A ray is part of a line with one endpoint. It extends infinitely in one direction. C D
Plane A plane is the set of all points that form a flat surface. It extends in all directions infinitely.
Intersecting Lines Two or more lines that meet at a point. AB and CD F AB and CD intersect at point F.
Parallel Lines Two or more lines that never intersect. AB CD
Perpendicular Lines Two lines that intersect and form RIGHT angles. AB CD
Assignment Coach pages 151-153