Biology project By: Facundo Guerchi
Maltose and its uses Maltose is a white type of sugar formed during the digestion of starches formed by two molecules of glucose joined together. Maltose is used in the production of different types of alcohol in different ways by the proces of fermentation. This include for example beer and whyskey.
Beer Beer is an alcoholic beverage brewed from malt and flavoured with hops. There are different types of beer: ale beer, lager, and red beer. All this are made all with malt, varying the process according to the type of beer.
How is beer made? To make beer, the first step is to make malt, by allowing a grain of barley or wheat to germinate, and then dry it and roast it. Then the malt is crushed in a process called malt mill, and then mixed with heated water for a process called mashing. After the mashing, the mash is pmped to a lauter tun where the resulting liquid is strained form the grains in a process called lautering.
This resulting liquid is known as wort. The wort is then boiled with hops and other ingredientssuch as herbs or sugars, at the end of the boil, the wort is settled to claify using hop filters. Finally, the liquid is moved to a fermenter, where yeast is added. After 3 weeks, the beer is cooled and led to rest, to be finally, one month later filtered and packaged.
Ale beer The difference in the process of ale beer is it is fermented at a warmer temperature, and that ake yeasts, form a foam on the surface of the fermenting beer, whic makes them able to drink after 3 weeks of fermenting
Lager beer Lager beer, is fermented at much lower temeratures, and its yeast, accumulates at the bottom. It is stores for 30 days or longer close to te freezing point, making it smoother.
Red beer This is a beer fermented by means of wild yeast strains which gives it a different flavour and acid and smooth characteristics. Before, it was produces just in summer, but due to its poppularity it is now producced all year round.
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