1. Background to CSO Development Effectiveness 2. What is the Open Forum process 3. International Framework for CSO Development Effectiveness 5. GLOBAL TO REGIONAL TO NATIONAL – YOUR TIME TO ACT! 4. Busan Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation
A multitude of challenges for civil society CSO Development Effectiveness CSOs struggle for funding CSOs in North and South need to adapt to changing aid architecture Need to define what an enabling environment for CSOs looks like Need to advocate for recognition of CSOs’ roles and voices Need to raise awareness on effectiveness Broadening aid effectiveness debate: human rights, sustainable development, gender equality Need for learning opportunities CSOs need to demonstrate their impact in order to secure public support Need to strengthen and clarify accountability Need to ensure impact for the benefit of the marginalized 1. Background
High Level Forums on Aid Effectiveness (OECD) Rome Declaration on Harmonisation ACCRA AGENDA FOR ACTION 2002 Monterrey Consensus HLF-1 HLF-2 Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness HLF-3 HLF Busan Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation 2011
Open Forum set out to answer: What values guide our work as civil society What it means to live up to those values How to cultivate a favorable political context in which to do our work How we can improve our impact Why did CSOs take on the challenge? - CSOs have acknowledged that the changing aid architecture provides challenges to their own effectiveness (accountability, transparency, impact, enabling environment etc.) - CSO have started many initiatives to define and promote their effectiveness, but had not yet defined their effectiveness collectively as a global stakeholder group - In undertaking the Open Forum process, CSOs are emphasizing that we are key actors and partners in development - The Open Forum process also serves as a tool to refocus the discussion from aid management issues to the actual goals of development and the impact achieved through our work
A unique space for CSOs worldwide to engage in a global and fully participatory process towards defining, introducing and implementing a framework of mutually shared development effectiveness principles and practices 2. What is the Open Forum process?
First Global Assembly Second Global Assembly Start of consultations 4th High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness…. and beyond! National and regional consultations Global thematic consultations Political dialogue and outreach at all levels To build consensus on the CSO development effectiveness principles Continuing consultations to react to proposed CSO development effectiveness principles and framework, and to discuss national level implementation Political dialogue and outreach at all levels Finalise International Framework; CSOs mobilise for the 4th High-Level Forum Including regional preparatory workshops to initiate and trigger process
6 GLOBAL THEMATIC PROCESSES Trade Unions CSOs working with Marginalized groups CSOs in situations of conflict International CSO Outreach CSOs and Gender CSOs and the environment Phase I: Summer 2010 Preliminary consolidation in preparation for the first Global Assembly in Istanbul Phase II: Spring 2011 Final consolidation for the final International Framework drafting Phase III: Autumn 2011 Busan mobilization and preparation 11 REGIONAL WORKSHOPS 2010 in Istanbul, Turkey 2011 in Siem Reap, Cambodia 2 GLOBAL ASSEMBLIES
Virtually all national consultations included an opportunity for donors and government officials to discuss CSO accountability and enabling environment issues with civil society in their country and national context Multi-stakeholder Task Team on CSO Development Effectiveness and Enabling Environment – Civil Society (represented by Open Forum) was actively involved as one of the co-chairs in this group of governments, donors and CSOs – Multi-stakeholder messages on Enabling Environment incorporated into the International Framework MULTI-STAKEHOLDER DIALOGUE
First ever global statement from civil society on the effectiveness of our work in development A long-term reference for the civil society sector to guide our collective efforts to improve our work First ever global statement from civil society on the effectiveness of our work in development A long-term reference for the civil society sector to guide our collective efforts to improve our work 3 Pillars: -Principles for CSO Development Effectiveness -Statement on CSO Accountability -Minimum Standards for an Enabling Environment 3. International Framework for CSO Development Effectiveness
High Level Forums (OECD) Rome Declaration on Harmonisation Accra Action Agenda Busan Nov 29-Dec 1, Monterrey Consensus HLF-1 HLF-2 Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness HLF-3 GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP FOR EFFECTIVE DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION HLF Busan Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation
Paragraph 22: …we will: a)Implement fully our respective commitments to enable CSOs to exercise their roles as independent development actors, with a particular focus on an Enabling Environment, consistent with agreed international rights, that maximises the contributions of CSOs to development. b) Encourage CSOs to implement practices that strengthen their accountability and their contribution to development effectiveness, guided by the Istanbul Principles and the International Framework for CSO Development Effectiveness. A multi-stakeholder, multi-lateral and international agreement which states: Officially recognizes the statement and efforts that civil society have made to improve their own effectiveness as independent development actors However… Enabling Environment is still a concern as the space for civil society continues to shrink across the globe Busan Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation:
What is next: Global Level Purpose: respond to the post Busan development paradigm Merging Open Forum and BetterAid Cebu Consensus: February 2012 Worldwide consultations: June – July 2012 Sub-regional consultations: ongoing Final meeting in Nairobi, Kenya: Dec 2012 New Global CSO Partnership launch A NEW GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP FOR CIVIL SOCIETY
GLOBAL TO REGIONAL TO NATIONAL… YOUR TIME TO ACT! 5. MOVING IT FROM GLOBAL TO REGIONAL TO NATIONAL… YOUR TIME TO ACT! Putting the Principles for CSO Development Effectiveness into practice in your organization! Advocating for a more enabling environment for civil society around the world!
Toolkits for CSO Development Effectiveness Implementation Toolkit: Planning process for applying the Principles for CSO Development Effectiveness in any context, withexamples from CSOs across the globe Consolidated guidance accompanying the International Framework to support context-specific implementation and advocacy by CSOs worldwide Advocacy Toolkit: Tips and advice from fellow CSOs on advocating for a more enabling environment from governments and donors
Practitioners Activity Guide: Collection of group activities to facilitate strategic planning for country level implementation of the Principles for CSO Development Effectiveness CSO Wiki: Interactive platform and one-stop resource center for civil society practitioners who want to work on improving the impact and quality of their development work TWO NEW IMPLEMENTATION TOOLS! 6. What is coming up
Focusing today on: Practitioners Activity Guide Developed to further support country level implementation and strategic planning around the Principles for CSO Development Effectiveness The aim of this new resource is to: -Train CSO practitioners to transmit the concepts and collective experience behind the International Framework and the accompanying Toolkits -Help CSOs take those first conceptual and planning steps on the path to improving their effectiveness with the Principles for CSO Development Effectiveness.
8 Principles for CSO Development Effectiveness
CSO Development Effectiveness Principles: some guidance for application For each principle, engage in a process that takes all principles into account Always consider internal and external issues Push yourself to consider root causes Base strategies on thorough analysis Acknowledge existing achievements and progress, but also seek further improvement Submit your thinking, decision-making and planning processes to scrutiny by internal and external stakeholders Integrate a process of monitoring and learning Be strategic Be reasonable