By: Steven Wagner and crew
Who was lost on the way home from Troy? Answer: Odysseus
When asked by the cyclops for his name, what name did Odysseus reply with? Answer: Noman
What was the name of the daughter of Atlas who held Odysseus captive? Answer: Calypso
Who took Odysseus back to the city of Phaiacia? Answer: Nausciaa
Where is Odysseus’s home? Answer: Ithaca
Where do the gods have their argument about Odysseus? Answer: Mt. Olympus
What is the name of the island on which Odysseus was held captive? Answer: Ogygia
What was the place Odysseus attacked first after leaving Troy? Answer: Land of the Ciconians
Which goddess most favors Odysseus throughout his journey? Answer: Athena
Who went to Calypso to tell her to release Odysseus? Answer: Hermes
Of what body of water was Ino the goddess? Answer: The White Sea
What is the other name for Hermes? Answer: Argeiphontes
What did Odysseus use to disorient Polyphemus? Answer: Red wine
What type of flower made two of Odysseus’ men forget about their desire to return home? Answer: Lotus
What is the name of Odysseus’ father? Answer: Laërtês
What type of wood was the spear made out of that stabbed Polyphemus? Answer: Olive-wood
Odysseus with Cyclops. Digital image. Theseaisfull. N.p., 12 Apr Web