Welcome to the 2015 Annual Meeting
Michael Bufalino ◦ Oregon Department of Transportation ◦ Research Director
Strategic Direction ◦ AASHTO Standing Committee of Research Strategic Direction (SCOR) ◦ State Representatives Advisory Panel (STRAP) Key Focus Areas ◦ Task Forces Administration Coordination and Collaboration Program Management and Quality Transportation Knowledge Networks Value of Research Get to Know RAC
Skip Paul ◦ Vice Chair of AASHTO Standing Committee of Research ◦ State Representatives Advisory Panel (STRAP) RAC Leadership
RAC Task Forces AdministrationAdministration Transportation Knowledge Networks Value of Research Coordination & Collaboration Program Management & Quality
Administration Cynthia Jones Allison Hardt, Stephen Pepin Administration Cynthia Jones Allison Hardt, Stephen Pepin
Purpose ◦ Educational: To Support RAC Members ◦ Administrative: To Support RAC Leadership
We Support RAC: ◦ In development and periodic review of administrative, procedural and strategic planning issues including bylaws, operating procedures and strategic plans ◦ Training, educational and informational needs of RAC facilitate the exchange of information and experiences among RAC members, especially new RAC members, through the deployment and use of educational and training materials ◦ Managing and updating SCOR/RAC website
We support SCOR: ◦ Professional Development Initiatives Support Ahead of the Curve FHWA Research 101 ◦ Periodically review SCOR strategic plan ◦ Monthly review of the SCOR/RAC website ◦ Training, educational and informational needs of SCOR ◦ Address other emerging administrative issues on behalf of SCOR
We support TRB: ◦ Ahead of the Curve Task Force ◦ Development, review and maintenance of TRB initiatives relevant to the purpose of the Administrative Task Force
Activities During the 2015 Summer Conference ◦ Administration TASK FORCE Meeting- July 29 th, 3:15-5pm ◦ Website subcommittee breakfast- July 30, 7- 8:15am ◦ Task Force Business Reports- July 30, 10:15- 11:45am
Coordination & Collaboration Sue Sillick Anne Ellis Coordination & Collaboration Sue Sillick Anne Ellis
Purpose ◦ Actively support, monitor, and develop methods, practices, and tools that allow for better coordination and collaboration of research efforts to improve information exchange, avoid duplication of efforts, and influence a coordinated national research ◦ Communicate, Coordinate, & Collaborate (CCC) w/ Other Task Forces AASHTO Committees TRB Committee Research Coordinator’s (CRC) Council, Technology Transfer Committee Note: CCTF is a collaborative effort between AASHTO RAC (Task Force) and the TRB Conduct of Research (COR) Committee (Subcommittee).
Activities of Interest to SCOR, RAC, TRB, etc. ◦ AASHTO Committee Outreach Survey of Research Activities and Needs (April 2015) – Determine follow-up activities Research Resources Webinar (May 2015) ◦ RPPM Website - Add Content & Marketing rppm.transportation.org ◦ Funding Guidebook – Updates & Marketing trb.org – Resources & Databases – Research Funding tinyurl.com/transportationresearchfunding ◦ Research Needs Meta Search – Revisit approach tinyurl.com/transportationresearchneeds
Activities During the 2015 Summer Conference ◦ RPPM Your Role in RAC: A Foundation for Best Practices RPPM Treasure Hunt Recognition ◦ CCTF Meeting Activities Update Identify New Activities Change in Leadership
Program Management & Quality David Jared Program Management & Quality David Jared
Purpose ◦ Promote… Practices to improve management and quality of transportation research programs and projects Practices that help identify quality indicators Use and continued improvement of research management tools
Activities of Interest to SCOR, RAC, TRB, etc. ◦ Intellectual Property Management of IP overview (TRB reps mtg.) Pending TRB webinar (partner: TRB-CoR Committee) ◦ National Activities NCHRP SP-05, “Support for AASHTO RAC Task Forces in Response to SCOR Strategic Plan” Peer Exchange Review/Successes Staffing levels and skills needed for successful research programs (funding and/or venue)
Activities During the 2015 Summer Conference ◦ Scope clarification for active subgroups Discussion of NCHRP 799 benefits/prospects ◦ Brainstorming new subgroup topics (re: other programmatic elements) ◦ Assignment of each TF member to 1+ subgroups
Transportation Knowledge Networks Leni Oman Transportation Knowledge Networks Leni Oman
Purpose ◦ The TKN Task Force serves as a forum to develop the concept, understanding, and application of transportation knowledge networks for the transportation sector. ◦ The TKN Task Force advocates and supports the rapid and efficient exchange of information resources through development of strategies and the innovative use of technology.
◦ SCOR Preparing the transportation community for open data Research framework for information & knowledge management Reaching out to other AASHTO committees on data and information practice and networking ◦ RAC Clarifying networking needs and modernizing methods Developing guidance and best practices Initiating and supporting research on data and information science Several active NCHRP projects ◦ TRB Collaborate with LIST, Data Section, and KM Task Force on research and Annual meeting program development
Activities During the 2015 Summer Conference ◦ TRB: Open Access and Open Data Requirements— Outlook and Implications Wednesday, July 29 th, 8:00 a.m.–9:45 a.m. ◦ Task Force Meeting, Wednesday 3:15 to 5:00 pm Research Report Distribution and Technical Guidance Update on active projects
Value of Research Linda Taylor William Stone Value of Research Linda Taylor William Stone
Purpose ◦ Actively monitor, support, and encourage methods and practices designed to demonstrate the value of transportation research ◦ Facilitate dissemination and exchange of information and experiences among RAC members ◦ Serve as advocates of methods and practices that identify, market, maximize and convey the values of research to others
◦ RAC Recognition & Raise Awareness of HVR Projects Market the Value of Research Monitor & Share DOTs Best Practices Develop Resource Materials ◦ AASHTO Annual Meeting Present High Value Research Awards to CEOs Presentation on Sweet 16 projects ◦ TRB Collaborate on “Research Makes a Difference” brochure TRB Annual Meeting- Sweet 16 Poster Session Coordinate with TRB Conduct of Research to sponsor a session
Activities During the 2015 Summer Conference ◦ High Value Research Awards ◦ Tuesday, July 28 th 2:30-4:30 High Value Research SWEET SIXTEEN presentations