talkwall micro- blogging & hashtags inter- thinking cloud service – no install initiation & response individual & Collective short format necessitate re-writing find essence hashtags for basic concepts flow between individual, group, and plenary sharing information developing knowledge meta-cognition critical thinking thinking together developed for classroom talk shared and sustained focus any browser any device PIN code to join organizer/teacher logs in with Facebook/Google account
talkwall share & discuss find the essence & use hashtags build on & integrate inquire about a subject arrange visually flow of activities
talkwall talkwall is a webapp available on mobile phones, tablets, and laptops.
select screen(s) view all posts write & arrange continuous feed from everybody group awareness what are the themes, issues, and problems? how are ideas taken up and built on? select any screen in class and display compare two or more screens by overlaying what differences and similarities are there between groups? contribute ideas promote ideas for visual organization filter on hashtags how are participants using basic concepts? how are concepts linked? talkwall for organizer/teacher