JOSE’ I was born in 1996,april 30.I was born in Mexico in michoachan. I moved to the United States when I was 2. I left the United States when I was 3. I then came to the U.S again and started kindergarten when I was 4. I attended West Huntsville and then I moved. I Lived with my uncle, parents 1 brother and 2 sisters. I was the second oldest. I then moved out with my family to a apartment. After that I attended University Pace Elementary, and Ridgecrest Elementary. I moved with my uncle and cousins again for about a year because my parents had gone to Mexico. Then my parents came back from Mexico and my mother was pregnant and she had a daughter. After she was born I was happy to have another baby sister. After that we moved to a house it had 3 bedrooms, bathroom and kitchen. I was born in 1996,april 30.I was born in Mexico in michoachan. I moved to the United States when I was 2. I left the United States when I was 3. I then came to the U.S again and started kindergarten when I was 4. I attended West Huntsville and then I moved. I Lived with my uncle, parents 1 brother and 2 sisters. I was the second oldest. I then moved out with my family to a apartment. After that I attended University Pace Elementary, and Ridgecrest Elementary. I moved with my uncle and cousins again for about a year because my parents had gone to Mexico. Then my parents came back from Mexico and my mother was pregnant and she had a daughter. After she was born I was happy to have another baby sister. After that we moved to a house it had 3 bedrooms, bathroom and kitchen.
Things I like……… I like to wear fallen, adidas, and airforce shoes. I like to wear fallen, adidas, and airforce shoes. I like to skate. I also like to skateboard. I like to skate. I also like to skateboard. My old skates. My old skates.
My Careers My Careers The career I want to have is to become a professional skateboarder. This is my goal for the mean time. I choose this career because it is fun and when you do something new on it, it makes you feel good inside that you learned something new. I will try to become a professional skater by practicing and to control my patience. The career I want to have is to become a professional skateboarder. This is my goal for the mean time. I choose this career because it is fun and when you do something new on it, it makes you feel good inside that you learned something new. I will try to become a professional skater by practicing and to control my patience. They pay about $1,000 to 10,000 dollars a months They pay about $1,000 to 10,000 dollars a months What I hate about this career is getting paid for it. What I hate about this career is getting paid for it.
My Careers The reason I want to become a professional skateboarder because my friends got me in to it. My favorite skater is James hardy. The reason I want to become a professional skateboarder because my friends got me in to it. My favorite skater is James hardy.
My Careers If I don’t become a professional skateboarder. My second career option would to go to college and become a engineer. If I don’t become a professional skateboarder. My second career option would to go to college and become a engineer.
Halloween I love Halloween because I get free candy and go to scary houses. I also like Halloween because you can get a costume and no one would figure out who you are. You can also scare people and they run away and fall down. I love Halloween because I get free candy and go to scary houses. I also like Halloween because you can get a costume and no one would figure out who you are. You can also scare people and they run away and fall down.
What I did for Halloween… What I did for Halloween was go to Jesse's house and see what he was doing and then left and went with my big sister and cousin to a scary house. It wasn’t all that scary so we went back home. I also went skateboarding around the block and that what I did for halloween. Ohm I also ate candy and that’s it. What I did for Halloween was go to Jesse's house and see what he was doing and then left and went with my big sister and cousin to a scary house. It wasn’t all that scary so we went back home. I also went skateboarding around the block and that what I did for halloween. Ohm I also ate candy and that’s it.
Veterans Day I like this day because we honor our veterans and I don’t have to go to school that day. I like this day because we honor our veterans and I don’t have to go to school that day. This is the day that we have a parade in Alabama. This is the day that we have a parade in Alabama. I also like this day because they protect us everyday and some veterans go to war I also like this day because they protect us everyday and some veterans go to war
Veteran’s Day History The first Veterans Day under the new law was observed with much confusion on October 25, It was quite apparent that the commemoration of this day was a matter of historic and patriotic significance to a great number of our citizens, and so on September 20th, 1975, President Gerald R. Ford signed Public Law (89 Stat. 479), which returned the annual observance of Veterans Day to its original date of November 11, beginning in The first Veterans Day under the new law was observed with much confusion on October 25, It was quite apparent that the commemoration of this day was a matter of historic and patriotic significance to a great number of our citizens, and so on September 20th, 1975, President Gerald R. Ford signed Public Law (89 Stat. 479), which returned the annual observance of Veterans Day to its original date of November 11, beginning in Veterans Day continues to be observed on November 11, regardless of what day of the week on which it falls. The restoration of the observance of Veterans Day to November 11 not only preserves the historical significance of the date, but helps focus attention on the important purpose of Veterans Day: A celebration to honor America's veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.
The History of Thanksgiving… In 1621, the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared an autumn harvest feast which is acknowledged today as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations in the colonies. In 1621, the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared an autumn harvest feast which is acknowledged today as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations in the colonies. This harvest meal has become a symbol of cooperation and interaction between English colonists and Native Americans. This harvest meal has become a symbol of cooperation and interaction between English colonists and Native Americans. The pilgrims and Indians played rugby, native soccer,and Jarts. The pilgrims and Indians played rugby, native soccer,and Jarts. William Bradford declared Thanksgiving Day as a national holiday, but since the Revolutionary War had yet to take place, no one knew what this meant In wasn't until George Washington was President in 1789, that he had the power, after the Revolutionary War to declare Thanksgiving as a national holiday.
Thanksgiving…… Thanksgiving is the day I give thanks to everyone and God. Thanksgiving is the day I give thanks to everyone and God. For thanksgiving we eat the following: For thanksgiving we eat the following: Turkey Turkey Dressing Dressing Stuffing Stuffing Mashed potato's Mashed potato's Sweet potato Sweet potato And cinnamon rolls And cinnamon rolls