The Interview Do’s & Don’ts Do’s Dress appropriately, business like Clean and tidy hair Polished shoes Appropriate make-up Clean teeth, hands and nails Be there in plenty of time Smile and give a firm handshake
The Interview Do’s & Don’ts Do’s Look interested Make eye contact with all interview board members Seek clarification if you don’t understand a question Take time to consider your answer Drink plenty of water
The Interview Do’s & Don’ts Do’s Sell yourself Answer the question you were asked Use ‘I’ rather than ‘We’ Sit straight Speak slowly and clearly Nod your head when the interviewer speaks
The Interview Do’s & Don’ts Don’ts Wear strong perfume or after-shave Chew gum Wear clothes that are too warm Wear distracting accessories Waffle or exaggerate Slouch Speak too quickly
The Interview Do’s & Don’ts Don’ts Fold your arms Fidget with hair, jewellery Give yes or no answers Speak badly of anyone or use slang Be too personal Fill silence gaps Be too modest
Face to Face Interview VISUAL – 55% VOICE – 38% WORDS – 7%
The Interview At the end of the interview Ask questions Find out what happens next and when Shake hands Thank them for their time Smile
Follow up If you are not successful at interview get feedback to establish where you went wrong Build on that experience for the future Stay positive, its likely you did well in some areas too